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You decide to go to the nightclub. Thankfully, there's one not very far from your house. How convenient!

You grab the purse that also came in the box and place your house keys inside, along with your wallet. Soon, you make your way out and to the nightclub.

You can feel eyes on you whenever you walk, the silence growing louder with only the clack of your heels on the sidewalk to fill the empty space. The silence then mercifully disappears as you hear the loud and thumping music from the nightclub.

The Velvet Rose is the hottest nightclub in town. There is a line around the corner of the building. You sigh and go to the back of the line. Within a few minutes, you and the bouncer finally meet. He asks you for your ID. Shit, you think to yourself. The bodysuit didn't come with an ID!

The bodysuit then acts on its own as you grin and look down to the bouncers crotch. "Maybe we could arrange something..." you say seductively, slowly extending your hand until it hovers around the bouncers slowly hardening member. "Come in...miss.." he stammers. "Thank you very much handsome," you reply, shooting him a wink before walking in.

The first thing you see is a wave of people dancing. On your right is the bar. In front and to the left of you is the dance floor. All the way in the back is the DJ, who is playing some generic dance music. Although generic, the music takes a hold of you and you soon find yourself moving.

Your dancing blends in with the crowd, soon becoming indistinguishable from any other dancer on the floor. After a few songs, you decide to get a drink. The bartender smiles and asks you for what kind of drink you'd like. You choose a safe pick and order a club soda. After the drink is arrived, you take a sip and scout your potential conquests for the night. 

You see a tall guy, with brown hair and a button up shirt. He looks like he's having a good time but the way he looks around indicates that he is searching for a partner. There's also a girl who is standing by the wall with a drink in her hand. Of course, you could also take your chances with the bartender, who seems nice. Although, you can't help but spot a bump on her pants. It's rather long too. It's up to you to decide your partner to bring back home with you.

End of Chapter 2

Respond in the comments who our main character should bring home.


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