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It was the most wonderful time of the year, at least to me it was. See, my roommate broke up with his most recent girlfriend, they had been together for about two years and he even wanted to propose to her. Poor guy found out she was cheating on him with her "friend from work". Of course, that was shorthand for "person I'm having an affair with". He was my best friend and I hated to see him in such a sour mood all the time. I needed to find something that could cheer him up, and we could finally have the happiest of holidays again!

I was working my usual shift at the mall's McDonald's. It was a fairly underwhelming job, but there was something that always caught my eye when I was at the register. Before, there was just an old department store that had been closed for months, something that I couldn't remember the name of to save my life. Now, after about a month, there was a drug store. The sign at the top was bright pink, in a bold font that proudly stated "X-Change". Since it was directly across from the register, it was all I could see.

After my shift had ended, I waved all of my friends goodbye, but my curiosity got the best of me. I was supposed to go to my car but the pink signage was almost hypnotizing. Perhaps just one visit, just to look around, I thought to myself. It couldn't hurt. Little did I know that this little visit would change my life.

The interior of the store was decorated with pictures of models and the pills themselves. What was this stuff? The walls were blasted with pink on one side and blue on the other side. There was even a little bit of purple on the floor. It was as if a child had decorated this in a video game. My cynicism aside, it was far bigger than I expected it to be. 

As I was looking around, a girl came up to me. She looked to be around five-foot-four and had long curly hair that spilled onto her shoulders. She was very cute, maybe I could get her number and set up a date for her and my roommate. If only. "Can I help you, sir?" she asked in an almost squeaky voice. I stammered, desperately looking for a proper response. Instead, it just came out as "I'm just looking around". She nodded but just stood there next to me. "Have you used X-Change before?" she then asked. I shook my head. I had only heard the term in passing before the store opened but I never dived deeper into what it was.

"What is this, if you don't mind me asking?" I turned to her and asked, pointing to the collection of boxes with small pills on the wall. 

"X-Change is the world's biggest brand in gender-swapping pills. We have temporary changes and even permanent ones, although they do cost extra. We also have different types. For example, we have ones that transform you into a regular female and ones that turn you male. But, we also have purple which can transform both males and females. We also have sissy pills, oral, bimbo, candy, choice, clone, continue, custom, denial, dream walker, forget, match, passion, resistance, swell, and it also comes in wearables!" She said, walking me around the store and showing me all the different kinds of X-Change. 

My mind, for a lack of a better word, was blown. I had no idea that there were these many types of pills. "Would you like to try one? We'll call it a test run. It's free of charge!" The offer was just too tempting. I nodded and she smiled. "Which one would you like to try?" "I'll just take the basic," I said softly. She nodded and skipped over to a section that had pills. "X-Change Basic was imprinted in neon pink, very hard to miss. "Here you go, sir. One Basic pill. Now, you will be a biological woman for at most twenty-four hours. Would you like to take the pill here? We have clothes available for your new body," she said. I couldn't say anything. I was too shellshocked to say even a complete sentence. I just nodded, she then took my hand and took me to a quick changing booth.

We walked to the changing booth. I shyly took off all my clothes, leaving my fairly below-average frame naked for her to see. She giggled and then handed me the little pink pill. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and then quickly swallowed it. Immediately, it felt like my body was on fire. I could feel every little detail of my transformation. My body hair being sucked into my body, my penis and testicles being sucked back in and being replaced by a pussy. C-cup breasts protruded from my chest and long hair fell until it was halfway down my back. My lips were almost pumped with air until they were thick. My skin was then darkening until I was completely tanned. I forced myself to take small breaths as my transformation finally finished. "Oh my gosh. You're so pretty!" She turned me around and I finally saw my new body. I was gorgeous. This was the body of a goddess and I couldn't believe that that one little pill did this. This was amazing! "Now, let's get you dressed." "Um, okay," I replied, my eyes going wide at how soft my new voice was.

A few moments later, she finally returned with clothes. She was like a seamstress from those old Disney movies I used to watch as a kid, putting the clothes on me and asking me questions. "Do you have a new name while you're like this?" she asked very casually. "Janet," I replied. I remember my parents telling me that they were going to name me that if I was born a girl. It just seemed right to have that name now. "Alright, Janet. You look gorgeous, sis," she said, giggling afterward. She even put makeup on me! I felt like a doll, manipulated by her owner until she looked perfect. To be completely honest, I did make a good doll. I looked like one of those girls people thought were slutty brats. Hopefully, that wouldn't be true.

"And we're all done, Janet. Remember, this is on the house. If you want more, we'll be here," the girl said, turning me around. I nodded and smiled brightly. This was going to be an interesting twenty-four hours. I finally managed to stand up and she helped me out of the store. Man, walking with heels sucked! I finally got out of the mall, feeling stares from all over, and got to my car. 

The drive only lasted for thirty minutes. My heart was racing as my mind was flooded by intrusive thoughts, anxiously thinking about what my roommate would think of me. The sounds of smooth soft rock helped to calm me down and think better thoughts. It was almost therapeutic in a way. 

When the drive was finally finished, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach as I put the car in park. With a deep breath in and out, I finally got out of the car and headed back to the apartment. It was now or never. I had to do this. "I'm home!" I shouted to my roommate who was nowhere to be seen, as he usually was at this time of day. Either he had already eaten or he claimed to not be hungry. After closing the door, I went to the couch and turned on the TV, acting as casually as I could be now that I was a woman for a day. 

Minutes turned to hours as I slumped on the couch, my eyes shutting as I fell into a nap. I must have been snoring because I soon felt cold hands on my cheeks and words trying to wake me up. "Hello? What's your name? Are you in the right apartment?" I heard someone say. I opened my eyes and saw him, my roommate who looked oddly worried. "Get off me dickwad," I said. It was my usual catchphrase when it came to him, of course, he didn't know that it was his roommate. "Ow. I don't know what your problem is, lady." Oh shit! How did I forget?! 

"Shit, man. I'm sorry. It's me," I said apologetically. "Jacob?" I nodded. "In the flesh," I sarcastically responded, gesturing to my female form. "What happened to you? Why are you a chick?" he asked worriedly. I sighed and looked back at him. "So, you know that X-Change store that opened up across from my job? Well, I went there after work. One thing led to another and now I'm like this for the rest of the day."

"Why?" was all he asked after my explanation. "I did it for you, man! I just wanted you to be happy this Christmas. Ever since you broke up with Karen, you haven't been the same. I just want you to live a little, bro," I said, looking deep into his eyes. It was all true. I just wanted him to have fun. "Well, what do we do now?" he asked. "I don't know, man. Just watch TV? If anyone comes by, just tell them that I'm at work and you're with your new girlfriend." I could tell he liked the sound of that. 

His arm was around me faster than I could blink. It was like that one little sentence just reverted him to his previous self. It was actually kind of pleasant. I found myself putting my head on his shoulder, it all seemed to just come naturally to me. I closed my eyes and almost fell asleep while we were in a semi-cuddling position. He gently caressed the back of my head with his thumb, I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist. 

"So what do I call you...girlfriend?" he asked, chuckling. I found myself blushing at that. "Janet. It's what my parents would have called me if I was born a girl," I responded. "Janet...I like that...you're so beautiful." What was he doing? Was he...coming on to me? He was! The truth was that I wasn't fighting it. I giggled out loud and said, "you know...you're quite handsome." Was this actually about to happen?

My fear came true as I sat up. He took his hand and placed it on my cheek, looking deep into my eyes. We stared deep into each other's eyes as our faces inched closer...and closer...and closer...until finally...we kissed. I closed my eyes and returned his soft kiss, placing my hand on his cheek and quickly hopping onto his lap. I completely forgot about the fact that this was temporary, I just needed this so bad. We both needed this sweet kiss, a release from all of life's stresses. 

We moaned into each other's mouths as I slowly grinded on his lap, his hands on my fat ass, clearly wanting more. "Mmmm...Janet...I want you so bad," he grunted. I couldn't help but agree. Our clothes were off faster than we could think. Let me tell you, nothing compared to being fucked. This alien feeling was like a drug, I was addicted and just needed more!

As nightfall approached, we were drenched in sweat and our love juices. We had fucked for hours at this point and I had orgasmed more times than I could count. Orgasming as a woman was so much different than as a man. He still wasn't done, however. He truly was an amazing lover, I don't understand why that bitch broke up with this sex god of a man. Soon enough, I could feel that he was close. His balls tightened as they slapped against my clit. "Fuck...Janet...I'm gonna cum." "Do it, baby. Cum inside me!" He didn't need anything else. He finally exploded inside me, painting the walls of my pussy with his potent baby batter. We both desperately tried to catch our breath after the intense fucking we just had. "That was amazing..." I said, exhausted. He just chuckled and leaned forward to kiss me again. The next thing I knew, I was in his bed and were spooning. It was nice, especially since I could feel how hard his member was all night.

He was the first one to wake up the next morning. I felt hands on my girls and a tender kiss on my cheek to wake me up next. "Morning, Janet," he softly whispered in my ear. "Morning, baby," I instinctively responded. We stayed in the bed for the rest of the morning. When the afternoon came and I got a text from my boss, I only sighed as we couldn't continue our sexual exploration. 

My shift that day was very unusual. I had to constantly remind my co-workers that I was on X-Change and I would be back to my normal self after work. At least, that's what I thought. After mind-numbing hours of taking orders and serving customers, my shift was finally over. I was physically exhausted, but my curiosity got the best of me again. I walked across from the McDonald's, finding myself back at the X-Change store. 

The same girl from yesterday greeted me. "Hey, sis!" she said excitedly. "How are you today?" "I'm...okay," I responded, slightly confused. "My roommate was very happy to see me like this. We...we..." "Spill, Janet! What did you two do?" she asked, focusing all her attention on me. "We did it..." Her eyes lit up like the Christmas Tree we had back at the apartment. "You did not!" she gasped. "Oh my gosh! I forgot to tell you! I am so sorry but I didn't give you a basic. I accidentally gave you an Xtra-Strength. You have a higher chance of getting pregnant."

I. Was. Dead. How could she?! That bitch accidentally made me a woman forever?! Was it even forever? A fiery rage grew inside me which ultimately turned into tears. She came to my side and wrapped her arms around me, squeezing me into a hug. I knew I shouldn't have but...I broke down in her arms. "I don't want to be a woman forever!" I yelled in between excessive tear flows. "It'll be okay. I can help you, Janet," she said softly. "Really?" I asked, looking up into her eyes. "Of course, sis. Come on, let's get you fixed up." I gave in and nodded, hoping that all of this wasn't true.

One month later...

It was true. I was pregnant, and to be honest, I was excited. After that meeting with the girl, she helped calm me down and gave me everything I needed to help me get adjusted to my new life. My roommate was also really supportive. He's ecstatic about becoming a father and now we have sex almost every day. He likes calling me his girlfriend. Frankly, I like being his girlfriend. 

I left my job at McDonald's, and surprise, I got a job at the X-Change store. I work with my "sis" now and I couldn't ask for a better job. She's super nice and we always hang out on the weekend. As my bump grows, I wonder how she's going to react to her little nephew. That's right, it's a boy. I'm thinking of naming him Samuel, I've always adored the name. 

Our Christmas truly was one to remember. It was the first one in months where we were both happy. The gifts weren't much but we were excited to have someone to call our own. I can't wait for next Christmas. It'll be the first one that we have as a family! 

Thank you, X-Change for giving me and my boyfriend a Christmas to remember.

The End.

Hello everyone! Youngblood here. First, I just want to say thank you to everyone who has enjoyed my captions and stories this year. All you beautiful people have changed my life and allowed me to get paid to do what I love. I am eternally grateful for every one of you. Second, I am changing up how I do stories here. Monthly big stories like this will be available to both patrons and non-patrons. Now, do not fear! Weekly stories will still be patron-only! Thank you again to everyone who has made this year an unforgettable one. 2022 will be the Year of Youngblood so watch out! Thank you and I love you all!


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