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A year has passed since that fateful day. I never changed back, I was a woman now for good. To be completely honest, I couldn't be happier. With the help of therapy and my so--boyfriend, I discovered that I wasn't happy with being a man. I took Elixir because it just felt right to be a woman. I was actually happy being a woman and now I have someone to share that love with. 

The next nine months after that were some of the hardest. Without even counting the growing baby inside me, telling my ex-wife that my name was now Dinah, and our son and I were now in a relationship. Trust me, that conversation is something that I do NOT want to remember. As the months went on, everything felt harder. I was getting heavier but also sadder. Everything felt like it was coming down on me for some reason. My man was there for me every step of the way, though. He was always reassuring me that I was the best woman he had ever met, that he truly loved me and that I was going to be an amazing mother.

Speaking of that, our daughter was born a few months ago. Her name is Lilly and she is the most beautiful baby I've ever seen. Seeing her after she was born, I remember just breaking down in tears, happy tears for how gorgeous she was. My boyfriend jokes that we could give her another sibling, at this point, I'm actually considering it. 

All in all, life is perfect. I've gone back to work, fully embracing my new life as Dinah, and my man is working too. Our big goal right now is to save up enough to buy a house so Lilly can have a bigger place to run around in. I just know that she's going to grow up to do amazing things, and she'll have the best parents anyone has ever known.

Surprisingly enough, he hasn't proposed yet. I guess he's just happy to have me in his life. I can't complain though. I'm happy that he's in my life too. 

Hold on...looks like I'll have to end this early. My boyfriend is calling me. I wonder what he wants to do now.



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