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Gender identity was something that I had a lot of trouble with. I was so uncomfortable with my body and didn’t know who I was. I had tried multiple therapists but nothing seemed to work. Nothing worked for me.

I just wished that I could be in a body that fit who I was. I didn’t think it was possible and I went back to crying myself to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, everything was normal. However, something was off after seeing myself in the mirror. Instead of my boring male self, there was a beautiful blonde looking back at me.

I couldn’t believe what had happened. I had changed overnight! I was a woman…with a dick! I truly had the best of both worlds. I was finally happy.

A few days had passed by and my life was perfect. I had more confidence and even tried Tinder for the first time. The guy that I matched with was absolutely amazing. He was my soulmate. He was sweet, handsome, funny, smart, everything I loved in a man.

We went on a few more dates and I even ended up staying the night with him. When he wanted to have sex for the first time, I got butterflies in my stomach as I undressed and showed off my hard member. He reassured me with a kiss and everything felt right. We made love that entire night and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

I truly found the love of my life. He treats me like a princess and he’s my prince. He’s absolutely perfect and I wouldn’t want any other man. I ended up moving in with him and I absolutely love sleeping and cuddling with him. When we make love, he’s gentle and respectful, and when we have sex he’s rough and hard. He knows how to make me feel good and I know how to make him feel good.

I have a feeling he’s going to propose soon. I’ve also been working with him on adopting our first child. We’re both ready to become parents, especially after tying the knot.


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