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1st Gloria - $1(5pts.),$5(2pts.),$10(9pts.) , total 16pts.

2nd Chara - $1(0pt),$5(6pts.),$10(3pts.), total 9pts.

Thank you for joining always. I wanted to say thank you for your support. I wouldn't be able to create content without it. As I mentioned before, my real-life situation is quite challenging, so I have limitations when creating content. However, I'm considering how to provide more content for you despite these circumstances. I'll still draw for the 1st & 2nd place winners as before, and I'll also sketch the character that didn't win in the poll randomly. Please note that I can't tell about a specific number of sketches due to my condition.



Don't worry ! I understand how life can be complicated at time and I don't hold it against you ! I mean I even increased my subscription after you went down to two drawings.