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Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know about a small change - I've had this patreon for over a year now and I've never made 2 bundles in a month because I'd always much rather focus on one and keep the quality at a level I'm happy with. Because of this and a couple other reasons + some of you requesting this once in a while, I'm thinking about switching to just a regular 3$/month format.

Nothing would change much for you, I'll still make bundles instead of individual posts because I'm really enjoying these, I'll probably just try to post more regularly in the first week of the month. It'd all be a little easier to schedule and manage for me.

Let me know if you have any objections!

That said, new bundle on the way ❤️ Revy won the bonus character vote and I'm working on two drawings because I can't decide on a ship 👀

Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️




As long as it eases your schedule! I can’t wait for your Revy!! ❤️


Is yhat some Eda I see??


no objections! your stuff is awesome


Does that mean we get the old bundles? Or do we get all bundles moving forward?

Caia Hull

I'm always down for not pushing yourself! I appreciate all you've done thus far, your art is wonderful 💞💖💞


I like Revy and Rock personally but Revy and her CIA/Nun friend is a good choice too.

Jared Walske

Do what's best for you, you're art's always good!


thank you ❤️ I figured it makes no difference for patrons but it still doesn't feel right to make any changes on here without letting you guys know!


The important thing for me is that you feel comfortable! I will continue supporting you any way <3


i want to be giving you money the best way for you to get that money! :D the strapped up revies are just a fringe benefit


No worries from me! Still worth it!


Sounds good! Can't argue with literally no change for us, and easier for you, after all. (Those Eda butt jiggle lines are like... taunting me...)


I shipped Revy and Eda hard back in the day😆 super psyched to see them bone❤


Way I figure it, the better the artist feels the better the things they put out, because they enjoy it and do it for fun! We're here for the fun, and for you to feel good too. Thank you for letting us know <3!


You always put out great content so it doesn’t really matter to me!


Tbh as much as they fight and muzzle sweep one another they’d totes smash. I’ve always headcanon’d Revy has a lesbian and Eda as bi


I'm fine with anything to be honest. You are amazing, and I'll support no matter what you do.

Banished Shadow

No problem with that, keep that sweet art comin.


No objections Ma'am. things are great with you 🥺


Pretty cool with the change and can't wait to see Revy in action !!!

L. Duerden

So so excited to see both Revy pictures! You're blessing us all with your art!


For $3... I'll take whatever your talented hand throws my way! 🤩


im glad you found a method you like!


for me, it's ok 👍


I see no problem with the monthly format c: You'll still have my support!


I think three dollars a month, is just fine. But you make is more than worth of value!

Michael Mock

It sounds fine to me.