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Hi everyone! Patreon will be sending out emails about sales tax on June 1st and before that happens I wanted to give you a quick note about what all of that means for you specifically. 

A portion of my content ("digital downloads") is taxable in some countries and in the united states for example that rate ranges from 5% to 11% depending on where you are. Two thirds of why all of you are here ("exclusive content" and "general support") are not taxable though and I've made adjustments so that sales tax will only be added to the "digital downloads" portion of your 3$ pledge.

So if we do the math on that it'll be 5-11% of 33% of 3$, which means in roughly half the states 5 - 11 cents will be added to your pledge, most of you won't be affected at all though.

So, not a huge change for my patrons because I have no higher priced tiers but I wanted to make sure I'll let you know what's going on!

Thank you <3




This should be interesting


We're ok with it if you think so, just keep going ❤❤


it is out of my control but like I said it won't matter all that much on my patreon because I have no big expensive tiers, so ... no worries, but I had to let yall know!


Yes sir 🥺🥺🥺