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An AU where the plotted events of Citadel don't happen...

The Interns - MC's POV

"This has to be a fire hazard," Davy says.

You look over at them, jammed between you, Laurel...and the certifiable hoard of other residents who had the same brilliant idea of watching the Danton Bridge fireworks from the building stairwell. 

"Absolutely," you say, and then jolt as Ari elbows you right in the side. 

"Sorry, sorry!" Ari says at the same time Xiao snaps "stop fucking pushing" at a group of cheerfully oblivious ortho bros. 

"I could be at home right now," Laurel says dryly. She turns to Reese. "You owe me."

"FIVE MINUTES!" someone roars out from the crowd, and a cheer rings out so loud that you swear you can feel the ground shake underneath your feet. 

"Nothing like Greenwich, huh?" you say to Davy.

They shake their head, smiling. "I'd take this any day."

The Residents - Vic's POV

"You have to put it on." Kyle pleads. "Please. We're all wearing it."

"There's only three of us here," you say, eyeing the "Happy New Year's" crown in Kyle's hands. It's sparkly, and gold, and you absolutely hate it. And you know that as soon as it's on your head, Kyle or Ale (but most likely both) will instantly snap a photo.

"Please - for me." Kyle puts on his biggest puppy dog eyes. "Ale, come on. You do it, too."

"Don't drag her - " you start, then sigh as they both look at you simultaneously, huge eyes, exaggerated sorrow on their faces. 

"For your best friends," Ale says, somehow with a perfect tremble in her lip. 

You snatch the crown before you can change your mind and nestle it on your head. 

"There." You huff. "Happy?"

Kyle and Ale both beam at you, and you barely manage to hold back a yelp as Kyle tugs you into his lap. 

"Say - Peter Grey!" Ale says, angling her phone at all three of you.

Before you can sputter out any semblance of a reply, she takes the picture. 

The Attendings - Dr. Sloan's POV

Peter looks at you, incredulous. "You really waited in Times Square to see the ball drop?"

You take a languid sip of your wine. "Is it really that shocking?"

"Yes." Peter laughs. "You're antisocial."

"There's only one antisocial person here, and it's not me." You give him a knowing look. 

His mouth curls into a mischievous smile. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"I'm still waiting for the day when you disappear into the wilderness and write the next Walden." 

"Don't hold your breath. I'm a notorious workaholic."

You tilt your head at the TV screen. "One minute. Any last confessions for this year?"

"Just one." 

You arch an eyebrow. "Go on."

He grins. "I've also seen the ball drop from Times Square."



Everyone being happy brings tears to my eyes 🥲💧


"any last confessions for the year? " "oh i might be very much attracted to my intern ... and also my favourite resident" i said what i said. this was so cute and fluffy i love them! such happiness!