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Hi everyone, and Happy Sun-yay!

Now that I'm more-or-less not discombobulated from having a flipped day-night cycle, here's an update on what I'm working on and the Patreon content schedule!

> Starting to code Case Three ("The Resident"). I've been thinking about this case for a long time, so I can't wait to get it down on paper (or, maybe more accurately, the text app that the Choicescript pack comes with). It's definitely a case where a lot of things come to a head...

>Working on 3 new short snippets!

> Updating the romance and playthrough guides on this Patreon.

> Updating the acknowledgements section of the demo.

As for the updated posting schedule:

Sundays: Progress Note

Wednesdays: Sneak Peek

Saturdays: Short Snippet

Thank you again for your support!

Cheers! 💕 


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