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Based (loosely) on the prompt, "Victoria x Nb/MC. Maybe something along the lines of Ale catching MC and Victoria glancing at one another - in relationship but under wraps. Ale tells MC and they end up teasing Vic about it." There isn't much teasing here (😅), but I thought it was important to explore this dynamic the way it turned out...especially with what happens in Case Three.

She knows.

She definitely knows. 

You don't know how - after all, you and Vic have been beyond subtle - but Ale is onto you two. She hasn't said anything, there's barely any indication, but something's changed. It's just a whisper of a feeling, the way Ale's eyes hold yours for a beat too long, but it sets you on edge anyway. 

You know Ale and Vic are good friends. You know Ale would do anything for Vic. You know she has a right to be suspicious of you - especially after everything that happened, the time Vic was gone. So you're not really surprised when she catches up to you as you're walking home, asks if she can walk with you. If anything, it was a long time coming. 

The two of you chat briefly about nothing - the workday, cases. You're dancing around the subject, warming up to the inevitable, when she says without looking at you, "You're with Vic."

"Yes," you say, because you can't deny the truth. 


The two of you keep walking, the fall leaves crunching under your feet. 

"I'm guessing you know what happened."

"Yes," you say. I was there. 

Ale lets out a breath. "I'm not usually like this."

"I get it." And you do. After what happened, you're protective over Vic, too. "It's okay."

Ale pauses, and you stop too. She turns to you, and you see on her face - worry, the kind that pinches in the eyebrows. 

"You really make her happy," she says. 

Despite yourself, you flush. You know it's not the time for that. But, you can't help it - the affirmation that what you're seeing is real, that Vic really wants to be with you, that this isn't just some fluke. 

Ale meets your eyes, and there is such a sharp focus there that you're reminded, once again, that Ale isn't just a nice person, your helpful upper-year, but also a surgeon, brilliant and capable and someone who could absolutely make your life hell but chooses not to.

"Don't hurt her," she says simply. 

You realize that she doesn't want an answer on your part. This is a message not to be reciprocated. So you nod. 

And the two of you keep walking. 


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