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Based on the commission, "Victoria/MC fluff."

"How old is Fish?"

Vic looks up from her laptop, bleary-eyed. "What?"

You tilt your head toward the fish tank, Vic's goldfish swimming in big, lazy arcs. You've always thought it was funny - how someone so stressed out would have such a...well, non-stressed pet. "The love of your life?"

"Ha." Vic returns to her work. "I got him my intern year...So, at least five now?"

Vic's fish, you know, is very well-cared for. Only the premium fish food for Fish. And copious tank decorations. Fish is now the size of your palm, fat and carefree and happy. You're sure, if Fish ever got sick, Vic would probably actually take them to a fish doctor...if those kinds of doctors exist. 

"You love Fish a lot, don't you?" you say, watching as Fish starts nibbling on an aquarium rock. 

"Of course," Vic says. Then, a slight smile tugging at her lips, she adds, "He's my best friend."

You mock-gasp. "What would Kyle think?"

"Kyle knows." Vic closes her laptop, and you eye her. You know she's not done with her work...which can only mean trouble. 

Instead of tickling you, or slinging you over her shoulder, or otherwise torturing you like she likes to do, she beckons you over to the tank, places a small amount of fish food in your hand. 

"Um." You stare at Vic. "Don't you usually feed fish at 7?"

Vic rolls her eyes. "Put your hand in the water."


Vic grasps your wrist and then gently lowers your hand into the tank so that your fingers are just below the water's surface. You jerk your hand back as Fish races toward your hand, pellets spilling into the tank. 

"Are you telling me you're scared of a goldfish?" Vic teases, and you feel heat creep into your cheeks. 

"I wasn't expecting Fish to - to, attack me!" you protest. You watch as Fish gobbles up the pellets and then returns to making its rounds. 

"Try again." Vic pinches another handful of fish food. "And don't try to slap Fish this time."

"I wasn't - " You grumble, then lower your hand again. 

Once again, Fish races toward you, and you gasp as Fish begins to eat out of your palm.

"You taught him this?" you murmur. 

"He knows other tricks, too," Vic says, and you see pride on her face and a kind of joy you haven't seen before...something relaxed and soft and warm. 

"What other tricks?" you say, withdrawing your hand. 

Vic smiles at you, "Stick around and you might find out."


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