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What a great classic! 

How accurate was this movie to the book? *No, I won't read it*

Enjoy! 💚


To Kill A Mockingbird FULL PATREON REACTION.mp4



Fun fact: In 2003, the American Film Institute named Atticus Finch the greatest movie hero of the 20th century.


It's supposed to make you mad at the injustice of it. The book does tell more details...one of my favorite books, too. Fun fact : Gregory Peck and his parents were from my hometown, San Diego. His father owned a drug store there, and my grandma worked at that drug store for years and years, and the senior Mr. Peck was her boss. My grandmother would see Gregory on occasion when he would come in and visit his parents. My mother even got to meet him once when she was at work with my grandma. She said she was starstruck..as a young girl of about 13 or so lol!


Wow! I’d love to hear those stories; cool! Yeah I was plenty angry and I hate when you can’t do anything about it 😭 Thanks again for this suggestion 💚