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I REALLY needed my stress balls for this one! 😳

Enjoy 💚





Right? This one is a real nail biter, and is it wrong that I don’t feel ONE BIT sorry for Alex being tortured? You abuse a dog (or any animal) and you get what you deserve. Sorry, not sorry.

Raga Gopalakrishnan

I get where you’re coming from, Mark, but he wasn’t right in the mind, though, was he? He might have grown up to be an animal lover if he hadn’t been abducted as a child and instead grew up in a loving household.

Raga Gopalakrishnan (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-17 18:06:11 This one had me squirming almost the whole movie and my stomach was churning at times. From the start, I suspected that Barry (“Alex”) was innocent and was just friends with the girls. Maybe it’s because I have a long-time friend whose son was very slow like Barry and wouldn’t always understand when someone other than his mother spoke to him. I did think that the other guy (Taylor?) was involved when I saw all the boxes with snakes and bloody clothes. Oh, and the woman didn’t kill her husband - he was the guy who confessed to the priest a while ago, remember? His decaying body was in the priest’s basement. (Not that it makes much of a difference anyway.) For me, the biggest plot hole or screw-up here is that they didn’t even search her house when her “nephew” was initially arrested or at the very least, after he “ran away”. Looks like I picked the wrong time to watch a movie about kids being abducted and killed, given what happened this week in Texas. 😔
2022-05-27 00:39:04 This one had me squirming almost the whole movie and my stomach was churning at times. From the start, I suspected that Barry (“Alex”) was innocent and was just friends with the girls. Maybe it’s because I have a long-time friend whose son was very slow like Barry and wouldn’t always understand when someone other than his mother spoke to him. I did think that the other guy (Taylor?) was involved when I saw all the boxes with snakes and bloody clothes. Oh, and the woman didn’t kill her husband - he was the guy who confessed to the priest a while ago, remember? His decaying body was in the priest’s basement. (Not that it makes much of a difference anyway.) For me, the biggest plot hole or screw-up here is that they didn’t even search her house when her “nephew” was initially arrested or at the very least, after he “ran away”. Looks like I picked the wrong time to watch a movie about kids being abducted and killed, given what happened this week in Texas. 😔

This one had me squirming almost the whole movie and my stomach was churning at times. From the start, I suspected that Barry (“Alex”) was innocent and was just friends with the girls. Maybe it’s because I have a long-time friend whose son was very slow like Barry and wouldn’t always understand when someone other than his mother spoke to him. I did think that the other guy (Taylor?) was involved when I saw all the boxes with snakes and bloody clothes. Oh, and the woman didn’t kill her husband - he was the guy who confessed to the priest a while ago, remember? His decaying body was in the priest’s basement. (Not that it makes much of a difference anyway.) For me, the biggest plot hole or screw-up here is that they didn’t even search her house when her “nephew” was initially arrested or at the very least, after he “ran away”. Looks like I picked the wrong time to watch a movie about kids being abducted and killed, given what happened this week in Texas. 😔