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I've laughed, I've cried... I've enjoyed this series SO MUCH!  Thanks for watching with me!

Don't forget the Fantastic Beasts movies will finish up the month 🎉🎉🎉



Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.mp4



First let's start with great job! I could see your love of the world and respect for the characters grow as you watched and it was heartwarming to see. I wanted to also answer a couple of the questions you had while watching as well as a couple cool facts. 1. The duel between McGonagall and Snape. If you watch Snape actually only deflects her spells to knock out the Carrows (the death eaters standing behind him) and then when he becomes smoke you see him stop at each body to take their wands before diving out the window. He is trying to protect everyone from them. 2. Alan Rickman was told early on that his motivation was love for Lily. He was absolutely sworn to secrecy as it was well before the last books release and all directors were to defer to Rickman when it came to Snape's behavior because he knew what they did not. 3. A patronus charm (the blue smoke kinda animal) is different for each person and tends to match their love. James Potter (and then Harry) has a stag patronus. Lily and then also Snape had a doe. So when Harry was led to the sword of Gryffindor, it was Snape leading him there. Also of note, it is widely rumored that Snape is actually the only death eater capable of producing a patronus. 4. The snitch Dumbledore left Harry in the will said I open at the close. So just before it opened Harry had realized what that meant and whispered I am about to die so that it would open. 5. The author always had a picture of Hagrid carrying the "lifeless" body of Harry so she knew he would survive the entire series. 6. The girl being bitten was Lavender, Ron's girlfriend from movie 6. She was mauled by Fenir Greyback, a werewolf who liked to maul children. He also bit and turned Lupin into a werewolf fyi. And yes Lupin and Tonks also died. Harry is Teddy (their sons) godfather. 7. Harry's three children are all named after people he loved and wanted to honor. There is James Sirius; Albus Severus; and the little girl is Lily Luna 8. The girl in the painting that lead Neville to Aberforths to find the trio was Dumbledores sister Ariana. She was attacked by muggle boys and wasn't all there mentally. Their father attacked the muggle boys in retaliation and went to Azkaban. Dumbledore in his early years thought wizards were better than muggles much like voldemorts followers did. However a lot of that was resentment that he was having to take care of his siblings instead of living his own life after their mother died. Ariana hero worshipped Albus while Aberforth doted on Ariana. Albus just wanted to be free. He and Aberforth got into a fight and Ariana was hit and killed by a spell. It is not known whose spell it was but Albus changed that day realizing what seeking power can do to you. He regretted it the rest of his life and in fact in movie 6 when Harry was forcing him to drink the potion, this is what he was re-living. 9. The fire in the room of requirement was a special magical fire and couldn't be put out with water. 10. Lastly the epilogue was filmed or should I say re-filmed about 6 months after the original filming wrapped. The original aging makeup hadn't done well. So yes it was filmed later but not by much. 😀 I'm so glad you enjoyed this series!

Derpy Sherpa

So much fun! <3


So Snape used to have a different patronus. When he fell in love with Lilly..or maybe when she died..it changed to a doe...the same as Lilly's. The Doe in the Forrest that led Harry to the sword, was Snape. The reason Dumbledore said that he didn't think it was curious at all that they had the same patronus ...was because he is saying they are alike...they both died protecting Harry.


Thanks for the extra info! So fascinating; glad u enjoyed me watching it. Fantastic Beast will start next weekend 🥳


The4 scene when Narcissa ask "Draco, is he alive?" Harry was saved by a mothers love. She only wanted to know if his son was alive, and Harry gave a nod as yes, so she lied to Voldemort <3 And I think it's such a beautiful scene <3


My favourite character in harry potter is severus snape and not revealing his intentions until the final movie in the franchise was excellent. Also I don’t see another other actor that would’ve suited the role than alan rickman, there’s a few movies that brings tears to my eyes and seeing his memories is one of them.