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For This month everyone in every Tier will get all variants of every Artwork as if you are Tier 3.  

The main cause is Tier 3 exclusive Artworks. I was thinking about it for some time and I should do something now. For the last half a year I'm not happy with how my Tier 3 Artworks end up (especially last two months); even the current Kill la Kill Artworks is going bad. I feel nothing by doing them and looking at them, I have no idea what I'm doing with them, and I regret not doing just normal/regular NSFW-ish versions.  

So I'm just dropping "Tier 3 exclusive lewd artworks" as a thing, and going back to 2 tiers (SFW for $1 and SFW+NSFW for $4). Maybe occasionally there will be something explicit sometimes; at least coom variants, as often as I do.  

As I said: for This month everyone in every Tier will get all variants of every Artwork as if you are Tier 3.   

Starting next month:  

If you are Tier 1 ($1); Tier will stay as it is - a SFW Tier; you will be getting 4 Artwork per month

If you are Tier 3.1 ($4); Tier will stay as it is - Tier with all SFW + NSFW Artworks; it is just one of the Artworks won't be sexually explicit anymore  

if You are Tier 3.2 ($1); well... Tier will be removed because there is no more sexually explicit Artworks for that Tier; so if you were only interested in them, then you should unsubscribe after this month.  

if You are Tier 2 ($3); Tier will be removed; There is no reason for it to exist anymore when "$4 SFW+NSFW Tier" does the same. I will count you as a $4 subscriber for August, so then you have two months to decide if you want to change to "$4 SFW+NSFW Tier" or unsubscribe



Aww that's sad. I always liked them.

The Salt Miner

Do I need to do anything if I'm in the 3.1 Tier?


The end of an era.

Leigh Adair

Thank you for your transparency.


I'm crying right now :(


$1/month was/is the value that's within my budget, so the former Tier 3.2 was the choice for me (much more exciting than SFW-only, primarily). Shame to see it go, but I'd still like to support your work. In this case I'll settle for Tier 1 instead :)


Well, it is worth noting that these changes are quite good and make sense. Take care!

Pierre Johnson

I have been enjoying them too BUT if you are forcing it this is a good move.