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1. Harley Quinn, from DC

2. Cyberpunk Ciri (Tier 3 Artwork)

3. Throt the Unclean, from Warhammer

4. Claymore


Isaac Clarke

damn you dippin into total war warhammer 2 now?


Of all things why nurgal


How about painting a yuri version of "Valerian and Aleya" next month? Why ? To celebrate a release of Big E's Golden Bois 9ed Codex :P

Simone Spinozzi

༼ つ ◕u◕ ༽つ🍀 Wish you luck and i am very interested to see how this will all come out.


Time to start practicing my combined Axii sign and quickhack combo to see whether I can make Ciri a little more receptive to my suggestions. >D