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This month I finished my Imperial Guard Calendar for Warhammer. I will make a Digital Bundle available on Gumroad in a few weeks for those who want just Imperial Guard Girls. No psychical versions are planned for that Calendar, because I'm too lazy for that... so, with digital copies on you hands, you would need to order a print yourself from somewhere, if you want one.

However, as you voted, the next calendar will be about Eldar. Here is a layout for the next year, as a reminder:


January - Striking Scorpion

February - Dark Reaper

March - Howling Banshee

April - Wych

May - Warlock

June - Scourge

July - Fire Dragon

August - Harlequin Shadowseer

September - Shadow Spectre

October - Haemonculus

November - Bonesinger

December - Incubi

Next month is going to be the third month, which means a character from one of the polls was already automatically chosen to prevent this character from staying in that poll forever... and it was Noire (from Neptunia) for the Tier 3 Artwork.

However, there was a poll for another December Artwork: Tyrande (from Warcraft) finally won after many months.




Really looking forward to next year, after such a great year with your art. I'd really like to see Lana Beniko from Star Wars The Old Republic maybe😅😅 Again, you did really great Jobs this year👍🏻👍🏻


Yes you are *pat* *pat*


When will the November Rewards go through again? Cause Patreon derped out on me and I don't know if my month counted. Oh gosh darn.