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Simone Spinozzi

Now, proper answers to this picture are about these: • Now, this is a queen i'd want to get swarmed for • *Spider Dance Plays* • Please Die Me • Part of me became something greater • Women are why tyranids are allowed to spread • Made thank for dinner, honey. How did swarming go? • What society thinks i do. What my mom thinks i do. What my spouse thinks i do. What other wargamers think i do. What i wish i could really do. • My empress has four arms. • *turns on tyranid to human translator*: WAKA WAKA WAKA • Therapist: "Swarm queen isn't real. She can't do you." Swarm queen: • *don't mention zergs.* *don't mention zergs.* *don't mention zergs.* Hi KerrigaaaaAAAAARGH! • She vs Mothra. The crossover we don't deserve, but we need. • Kerrigan: "WHO ARE YOU?!" Swarm Queen: "I'm you, but stronger." • Swarm Queen: "Me?! Austruylian? Oy daon't knaow whoy yah would theenk thaht." • Still a better queen than my corpse god. • *dumps the bug spray away* • Tyranid anatomy: (bunch of arrows saying "Yes! ❤️") • Despite making up 3% of the galaxy population her children commit and sustain 50% of the murders. • Swarm queen: *points at her head* "They can't call me names if i eat the whole planet." • *ominous psychic noises* • Swarm Queen: *sits on a table* *puts on a sign* "The Red Terror is a Baby Mawloc. Don't Change My Mind. Help Me Make More." • Swarm Queen: "The worlds only have 2 things. Things that can be eaten and things that can eat." • 10/10 would stop purging agaaaaaAARGH! • This is Her-... ... ... ... you know what? Yes... this is her. • She has thanksgiving on a daily basis. And yes, talking to her many children is always just as awkward. • Cross-Species Blind Dating has never been this fun. • Random Ripper: "Ma'am, we lost 200 termagants to kill a Dreadnought." Swarm Queen: *tactical tyranid psychic noises* • Honestly, madam, i like you for your body. • She has the classical face when you just read the faction focus.


Awesome picture! She's quite hot for a Tyranid :3


Pretty sure this is heresy

