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 Like always, who would you like me to draw for the Second Artwork in the next month?



Unless the Commander from Automata turns up, Gaige is now my permavote :P

Simone Spinozzi

color swapped bunch of girls is too much. i like to see one girl at a time, and my vote goes to Gaige




Does Gauge come with cel shading?


Some of the options in these polls seem really odd, and some have been around for ages (no one seems to be interested in them). Mastro why not add a patreon tier for people being able to add their own suggestions for polls?


May I suggest a pairing for next poll? Nidalee from LoL and Awilix from Smite. Both go by the nubile savage theme, so that would be pretty sexy.


A Tier just for suggestions? That's... not enough. Especially when there is chance that a character never win a poll just because it is unpopular character. Which means a person paid for nothing.


Nidalee is reserved for LoL Artworks, and Smite... em... Smite is... let's say... I'm not ready to do something as Glorious and Great as Smite! ...and probably never will be...


Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice! :D Some of the girls in this poll sounds totally delicious. I concider myself as a #1 advocate of artists painting the Mortal Kombat ladies, so if I could vote more times on the same option , well I would do it :> So yeah make some lovely MK ladies illustrations - especially with Skarlet <3 (too bad that her her tower story in MK11, She turned into a narcissistic bitch :/ - bad writting is bad :( )


Can you please do MK11 Skarlet who is 10x sexier.