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James Conway

I'm not sure that the pink smudge on the helmet works at all. I don't normally comment on your WIPs but this pose and the costume look particularly fine, and so I'd like the finished work to be as good as it can be. Art is subjective, however, so you may well disagree with me on the pink smudge!


“We have a death star!“ and typos in the post title XD


Agree with that for sure. It just looks weird. Why would there be blush on the helmet or whatever that's supposed to be.


Cool damn good, sexy as hell (still the armor is iconic enouth that She would not need that helmet :P) and yeah like lads above wrote that pink smudge looks odd AF if its not that much hustle please remove it :) Unless its a part of her active camouflage ^^ (not sure if base Storm Troopers had this tech in their armors :P)