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October is over and here is a reminder of what you will get.

I want to say in advance that in February of the next year there won't be Fourth Artwork. However, there is going to be a bigger Warhammer Artwork. However, it's not going to be about Astartes girls. However, I might lose my passion towards doing that artwork and everything will be like usual. So... yeah...

So, I made one poll in this months for the Second Artwork of the next months. Do you know who won? That's right - Samus Aran, from Metroid.

Sad, I wished Riven to win.

PS. I know that some newcomers will ask me that Question, so I better answer it now: Don't worry, you aren't late for October Rewards. Except if you are reading this at November...  Patreon will start charging people for  October  on November 1st.   
