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Well, March is almost over. All artworks for this month are finished. That means I need to prepare your rewards for sending... and then send it to you.  

There were two polls in this months also. Results are:

1. Majority of people wants me to draw Xayah and Rakan together instead of having two separate artworks for each characters. 

2. Majority of people wants me to draw Arachne from Musume Monster for anime artwork (4th artwork) in the next month. 

I'm also preparing small FAQ section... *cough*which I should have done month ago*cough*. Some people already asked many questions, and it would be better for future newcomers to know answers if they have similar questions.

That's it for now, see you soon.




Is there a way to get those even if I pledged today?


I make exceptions for people who pledged a few days after the end of the month. Because I post last images too late that some people wouldn't have a chance to get them. You have two choices: You can add 1$ to your existing pledge (2$ if want NSFW versions), so then at the end of the month you will get Rewards for both March and April. Or if Intended for March Only, then you can just send it through PayPal.