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For centuries Ardem tribe has the largest population in Meority thanks to their immense desire for… procreation; and if not for low fertility rate of their eggs it would be extremely high way before current age. Around every second month is a mating season for Ardem, during this time faint smell of cinnamon and fruits from their sweat and pheromones soars around. While growing appetite and infatuations can warn about incoming carnal desires beforehand, it became routinely for kins of other tribes to expect delays or halts in some systems and infrastructures during these weeks. But we should pray first for Ardem’s othertribe partners, trapped and wrapped in web of endless love – it is a great challenge for them to survive emaciation and exhaustion and tortures of pleasures.

Except… there is another way Ardem can channel their prurience. As much as they are passionate about sexual pleasures, it all comes to mental response from physical and psychical sensations, receiving or giving, and a minor re-wiring can easily turn desires for lust and procreation into frenzy of ruination. A mental switch that can easily turn any Ardem into a vicious berserk who revels in carnage and seeks for pain.

Confrontation face-to-face with Ardem warriors in such state were always dreaded by other tribes: with razor-sharp blades on their quick tails, and piercing claws and fangs, they swiftly shred their victims in a carnival of flesh; not bothering if mangling themselves in the process, for their brain shuts off any limits on body – even if blades and hands are broken, and earth is soaking wet with own blood leaking from bone-shattered limbs – with a smile they will hunger for more pain, own and foe’s. The most terrifying thing is to realize that such amorous and seductive people like Ardem can turn into bloodthirsty creature not from hate or envy, or to protect what dearest to them, but for pure pleasure.

During less civilized times of our history some nations would count Ardem as a major war asset, managing military campaigns according to their mating seasons and population on each side. Though, most disastrously infamous battles were made when both side would send their numerous Ardem on each other, resulting only in combined wave slaughtering every otherkin around – for Ardem berserks don’t attack one another as long as they can sense other victims around.

It doesn’t mean that outside of these seasons Ardem are not sexually active, but at least they are sober enough to become remarkably diligent and endeavorous members of society, committing themselves to amend “wasted” time, never afraid of assuming responsibility or take difficult tasks, performing best at their capacity, and extra if possible. For Ardem laziness is inadmissible in bed and work alike, so they expect each other (and other tribes) to commit the same, or face systemic contempt and scorn. In reality they want to uphold societal stability for own good, so they can continue dedicating themselves to what they like to do the most without worsening of enjoyments and qualities of life we achieved after centuries of progress.

Comfortable with openly exhibiting own beauty and sensuality, Ardem set an example which other tribes quickly followed, and eventually Expressions of the Body were not seen as shameful since well before preserved history (in reasonable suggestive limits of course, unless Revealing is imposed by religion or status).

As a result of promiscuous lifestyle Ardem don’t commit to long relationship even as friends. They also don’t hold common concepts of family besides The Parent who takes responsibility for an egg and its hatch, Ardem couple usually deem marriage as a mutual contract for betterment of raising multyple offspring before everyone in a family part their ways; even children of same biological parents might not accept each other as members of one house.


Ardem comprise of four distinct genetic groups: Ardem De are the most common and most lustful of them; Ardem Va are truly vicious – during mating season they often turn to violent side instead of procreation, hunting for Cults of Envy or Jealous Beasts, hence they are genetic minority; Ardem Al are sanguineous in a different way – they are fascinated with feeling of pain and prefer very rough and extreme activities for body and mind, so if you don’t make them moan from pleasure of agony in bed... then it will be you; Ardem Do are the shy ones (for their kin) – their sexual drive is not as licentious, mating seasons are shorter and they can even bond to a single partner for a long marriage.

Unlike many other tribes, instead of commonly structured nose with nostrils Ardem have four spiracle-like orifices on their necks with “nasal” cavities surrounding trachea tube before connecting to it slightly below. Respiratory system, however, is still connected to Pharynx for voice modulation through use of airflow. Under primary eyes there are two smaller ones which can see ultraviolet light. Besides scalp Ardem are absolutely hairless. Syringe-like fangs designed to quickly deliver substance from venom glands in a swift bite, and in Ardem’s case it is an aphrodisiac: compatible with most other tribes but highly potent thence dangerous.

Ardem have spinnerets on each wrist under carpus, and are typically segmented into three orifices, each producing own filament. Silk glands located in forearms inner side and between bones. Combining filaments from both arms can produce silk thread strong enough to hold weight of own weaver, and when Ardem fully emptying silks glands they can produce a thread of such strength forty times longer than own body height. For more precise work on web Ardem use nails on hands and feet to separate and move filaments around.


There was no peculiarity in Ardem migration patterns during Age of Crumbling, with a rapidly growing population they would settle on every new lands that was discovered. However after second Angel of Love was elected as the Matriarch of the Church of Thighs, many flock to the northern regions where her teaching of Thighs is spread wide, and avoid Realms of Bosom where it is despised. Every Sacred Tribe worship their Aspect, but Ardem are so passion and dedicated to Angel of Love and Her Church, it is hard to find any Ardem goods which are not adorned with a Rune of Love or Trigon of Hips and Thighs. There in church, through spiritual discipline and prayers on Thighs, Ardem embrace and rejoice inner desires, to be able repent and repel them later when its needed the most. Moreover, the Church of Thighs is taking care of Ardem whose carnal desires are danger even for their sistrenkin. They are shaving scalp clean to wear sacrosanct Gimp Garb, and either: chastise and surrenders oneself to surreptitious Horny Attics of Thigh Churches where Angel of Love personally drain them of lusthood, or decent into dungeons of the Golden City to hunt heinous Cult of the Worm… in any case, it almost impossible for these Ardem to return ever again.




What a wonderful tribe!! I cant wait to see more of their amazing clothing desings! 🥰💕

D Banks

interesting so do they exsist as the only form of life or do humans exist as well