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"Today is Fourth day of the Month of Thiccpril, Year One Thousand One Hundred Seventy of the Age of Aspects, the Year of Family Force; Seventy-secondth day since natural passing of all-beloved and honorable Flattus Bellus III, of venerable and esteemed Venter dynasty, former benevolent Malika of Tum, undivided Queen of Abs and foremost Sovereign on the Sea of Birth; born trice blessed – born witnessed by Meora on Bornday, born to a Sacred Tribe one of Eight, and born Engifted with Creation; Seventy-secondth day of a seventy-three-day Mourning for Flattus Bellus III departure, be she remembered Joyful in Mind, Gorgeous in Body and Righteous in Deeds to all generations and to our Joyful and Gorgeous Allmother."


Meorenell standard calendar year, as constituted by Herquisition administration and approved by the Supreme Council of Her’s in Year 22, starts with the First Day, followed by 8 months, then ends with the Last Day. Each month is solemnized by one of Eight Sacred Tribes in honor of Holy Aspects of Her they are blessed with. Months are, in order: Feetruary, Kneevember, Thightober, Thiccpril, Tumtober, Absegins, Bustegnis, Neckus. Each month consist of 29 days.

A week cycle lasts 8 days, for Her every final Breaths of Creation, which are: Breethday, Wavesday, Grothday, Zversday, Bornday, Wisday, Voxday, Mournday. In most nations Zversday and Mournday are considered resting days; Mournday is always the day of mourning for our Allmother, as imposed by Herquisition after the First Assembly, albeit was traditioned before Age of Aspects.

Additionally, every 29 years a Seductive/Horny/Naughty/Lusty Day is added, between the Last Day of that year and the First Day of next year, to keep calendar years synchronized with planet's orbital years.

A day is 32 Hours, one hours is 48 minutes, one minute is 64 seconds.




Damn... I deleted someone's comment instead of replying... T_T


I am curious to see Neckus come to pass