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It was October 2022... I was sleeping and seeing a dream, and in that dream I saw Metroidvania about a war between Kingdom of Tits and Kingdom of Butts... It could be because I overplayed Hollow Knight and RainWorld at that time, but...

I woke up and I was like "he-he funny horny game". During next few days I was occasional thinking how this game would actually look like if it was real. Hot deserts of Kingdom of Abs were added between first two kingdoms, and so bad ugly creatures who would be a global threat to unite all three kingdoms. At the end I imagined gameplay more like Unicorn Overlord looks now.

Then, I remembered something. I opened one of my drawers and found what I was looking for because It was always there after a decade ‒ a big folder with all of my saved concepts for my first OC world. Barely anything was useful at the end, but at that time I was thinking: "Shall I try again?..."

A couple days latter I announced my new goal, if you can remember that day.

I started brainstorming all ideas for why this world looks like that, why people are horny there and seriously fight for Boobs and Butts, what races can live there, what factions, etc.

Gladly for me, some of such things I already created in years and months way back.

I was shitposting passage from the Bible of Thicc Thighs on Twitter, like this:

Adam and Eve, by the Church of Thicc Thighs:

A Serpent, creature with no legs, and therefore neither Thighs or Ass, was jealous of Eve's massive Damptruck, that was blessed by the Thigh-God. It convinced Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, and so Eve ate that fruit and eating that fruit gave Eve a pair of huge mommy milkies.

And so Eve was the first to sin, as tits themselves are the sin, and she bears them now. And so Adam was the second to sin, as enjoying tits is a sin, and he enjoyed them.

And Thigh-God looked at that and said:

"You had a massive Damptruck, that was blessed by me. But now you have sinful Tits... and Adam now look only at your sinful Tits, instead of your Fat Ass or Thicc Thighs, that were blessed by me." And so, Thigh-God then banished them from the Garden of Thighs, never to return.

Since that day we are all sinners, as we all cursed to enjoy these disgusting... sinful... these soft and warm... these beautiful Tits! But I believe that one day we will reject them, together, and be welcomed back to the Garden of Thighs... to the Field of Ass...

or this:

Bible of the T H I C C thighs;

On the first day God said, "Let there be Thighs"; and there were Thighs. And God divided the right Thigh from the left Thigh; and God saw both Thighs, that they were good, because they were T H I C C.

On the second day God said, "Let there be a buttocks that can hold these Thighs together". Thus God made the buttocks, and divided the right cheek from the left cheek; and it was so. And they were good, because they were T H I C C.

On the third day God said, "Let there be "Taco" between those cheeks"; and it was so. And God saw that it was good, and slapped those cheeks, because they were T H I C C.

On the fourth day God said, "Let there be knees under T H I C C Thighs, and shins, and feet"; and it was so. And God called them legs. And God saw that they were good, because now T H I C C thighs can walk and step on you.

On the fifth day God said, "Let there be belly, and chest, and shoulders, and arms, and face; and let two big tiddies hang from there"; and it was so. And God saw that they were good, but not as good as Thighs. Then God saw Thighs that He had made, and indeed they were very good.

On the Sixth day God blessed T H I C C thighs, saying, "Step on bodies of those who deserve, sit on faces of those who deserve, choke those who deserve. You are my greatest creation and I relish from you".

Those T H I C C thighs were finished. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested between T H I C C thighs. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested between T H I C C thighs.

And you will see why these passages were helpfull...

Additionally, some humanization and r63 fanart I did was helping me to fulfill ideas for races and factions (this is for future devlogs).

So I made a map first. This was THE MOST important part, a foundation for everything. Availability of resources, environmental safety, threats of the Evil ‒ it all affected how races would settle, interact and form nations; how nations and faction would build their cultures and affect others; how story through thousands of years would shape the world it is now. As the Lore was growing more stuff was making sense, most of it unintentionally actually. Like a small fact would fulfill another fact, not just add more. And then I continuously created...



My excitement is growing day by day!!!


keep going!