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Last Week's Videos:

Bomblurs: Megaman 2 Episode 3: https://youtu.be/Kxpk_QxSX-A

BNWYDSE The Official THAC Posdcast Episode 45: https://youtu.be/HkAl5RCLpXo

Soundcloud download link: https://soundcloud.com/thacposdcast/posdcast-45

I'm changing up the format of the schedule from here on out, if that's alright with you guys. Instead of having something assigned to specific days, I'm just going to list what's coming out this week. Since I have a one year old, keeping her taken care of and happy can oftentimes push back releases, so I'd like to avoid missing days this way.

What's coming this week!

  • Bomblurs - Sonic Part 3
  • Isn't That Something with Dr. Thompson Hacke
  • Two new stickers launch on the THAC Store!

Noah and I will be at MTAC this Friday and Saturday, if you'll be around, some say hello to us and get some exclusive hands on time with the really cool thing we've mentioned a few times before.

With more love than you can count,



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