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Last week's videos

Clear Lakes 44 Broadcast #12: https://youtu.be/DikFC1cY_NI

BNWYDSE Star Wars Special: https://youtu.be/HuT86ZrZtCk

Posdcast Soundcloud link for downloading: https://soundcloud.com/thacposdcast/bnwydse-the-official-thac-posdcast-talkin-bout-star-wars

Thank you all for another great month! Sorry I'm a bit late on sharing the schedule this week. The kid has been sick the past few days so I've needed to help my wife out quite a bit.

I realized the other day that, due to working on lots of different things at once, I haven't sat down to make silly cartoon scribbles in a while. I want to do a live draw session on Spreecast this week to get back into it! This will help me get ready to knock out the Dogdog Episode 2 storyboards soon as well :3

Wednesday 2/3:

  • Patreon Early Look: Hey Try This! [$10+ Patrons]

Thursday 2/4:

  • Live draw with Troy via Spreecast [$2+ Patrons]

Friday 2/5:

  • Hey Try This!

I'm planning on recording the live draw and posting it on Youtube later, but since live streaming and I have a bit of a love hate relationship, I'm not going to promise that just yet. If it works out, however, expect it to be posted some point early next week or this weekend.

With much hugs,



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