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Hey All,

Here's the Alis sticker design I was talking about on the hangout last night. What do you think? Too complicated? Would you rather have a normal Alis, body included?

Let me know!

PS: This will be a die cut sticker, so the gray background won't be included in the final version.




Release this one!


This looks really dang cool and I’d love to have it as a sticker, but as a sticker I’d be concerned by the tentacles that stick out being easy to rip off by accident. Maybe there’d be a way to make it a simple circle to prevent that, either by extending the thinner tentacles or just giving the sticker some black space to make it a circle?


Good point! Luckily the printer I use makes their stickers of really durable material (nylon I think?) so tearing isn’t very easy to do in my experience 😌