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If you have been in the recent Discord hangouts, this won't be news to you. But if you haven't, I'm moving! Which you probably already figured out by reading the subject line!

I'll be in frantic moving and unpacking mode for most of this week, but things should be back to normal for me the following week. We will still be having our regularly scheduled hangout on Wednesday, which might even have a video element to it since my new place will have not-garbage internet. Horray!

Anyway, just know that I've got something pretty special in the works for once everything gets settled, which will be aimed specifically at all of you awesome Patrons. More info on that VERY soon :3

Not to mention another new thing later this year:  https://twitter.com/whatatroy/status/1274372997193793536 

For now though, I'm off to lift boxes and have sore muscles!



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