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Hey everyone,

A while back I mentioned on Twitter that after ECKVA18 was completed I would be stepping away from it for a bit to focus on the Marble Hornets comic. I felt that I was stretching myself a little too thin and stressing myself out most of the time trying to juggle everything while holding down a full time day job and trying to be a decent dad.

While stepping back is still what I'll be doing, don't worry! I'm not leaving all of your high and dry on the content front. I am currently working on "Part 1.5" of ECKVA, which - without revealing too much - is going to be a sort of guide to its world. It's going to be found footage, but with words and lots of weird twists and strange visuals. Found....bookage?

I've been writing it off and on for a while now, but I will be devoting the majority of my time to it starting this week. It should be completed around the end of November. A shorter version of it will be available through ECKVA.net for free, with an extended version being available with the digital download of ECKVA Network Part 1 on the Grampo Co. Store, which will also be available in the same time frame.

I thank all of your for your patience with this series. I know it's been taking longer than all of you would like. To everyone that has stuck with it, thank you from the bottom of my big dumb heart :)

Now, about this patreon.

I'm not shutting it down or anything (I told you this was going to be good news). I'm going to be giving it a much needed facelift, as well as consolidating some of the tiers to make things a little easier. I'll be sure to give all of you updates on this as it gets set up soon.

Some other news:

-If you haven't done so already, join the Grampo Co. Discord! It was recently updated to include leveling which is pretty cool. Here's the link:  https://discordapp.com/invite/yUTzHtz 

-The Grampo Co. newsletter is now active. Sign up for it here:  https://forms.omnisrc.com/signup/v1/5cef1b7a8653ed3ed5350a63_5cef42a58653ed76f6e725e1.html 

-Dumpster Shirts! They're awful(ly good): http://dumpstershirts.com 

-Marble Hornets Issue 2 cover art!:  https://twitter.com/whatatroy/status/1181271022718406656 


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