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Hey folks

As you may have noticed, I've fallen behind on the live hangouts over on the Discord server lately. The reason I've been putting them off is because my internet connection has been incredibly spotty around here. So much so that I don't know if I could sustain a stable connection to even do an hour or so of voice chat on the server.

I live out in a relatively remote area compared to the rest of Atlanta, so getting high speed internet isn't really an option at the moment. My wife and I are working on moving at some point in the future but I'm not sure when that might be.

So until further notice, in order to catch up to what I owe you guys, I'm going to be doing a text hangout on the Discord server on the private Patreon channel every Wednesday evening at 9:30pm EST.

If you don't currently have access to the Patreon channel on the server, and you should, let me know asap and I'll get you added to it.

See you Wednesday!



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