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Continued progress has been made on the 3D level! Much of the assets are completed, with exceptions to each of the girl's rooms.

IMG 1: The Sauna is mostly completed and will likely remain the same for the time being. I am considering adding a gardening / farming mechanic in the future for either a way to made additional gold, find rare items from dungeons, or maybe an animal crossing-like furniture system where you can customize the other girls rooms (not confirming this yet just some ideas!).

IMG 2 / 4: I also shifted around some of the props in the Library, and added this strange floating cube, which is going to be called the Artifice Matrix! This is where you can unlock and alter some of the mechanics for the future combat system I'll be adding, along with some meta progression stuff. I also added some piles of gold and treasure behind the counter, as this is where the shop and treasury will be!

IMG 3: The animated version of the Matrix will be in the discord channel! Its pretty cool!

IMG 5: Finally, I've been working on Luna's bedroom! Its still missing a lot of assets and still needs to be tweeked a bit with the design. Once her room is complete, I'll be finishing up the 3 other girl's rooms and possibly 1 more room. 

As I stated from a few weeks ago, I'll be pushing for the next part of the game's development once the rooms are completed. The next step is to create functionality with the prototype and make sure that everything works. Afterwards, I'll be working on the sprite art and finishing all of that. Finally, I'll be drawing and adding some of the art, CG scenes and some of the basic character events, and that should wrap up Phase 1! 

I'm looking forward to getting this in a playable state soon! I'm also excited for working on phase 2, I think that'll be when the game is a bit closer to being more fleshed out, and more interesting!



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