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Here are some of the screenshots of the completely remade and remastered Manor! It's still a WIP but I've been updating, improving and learning new techniques for 3D and Lighting to really improve the quality and stylize the game world!

I decided to go back to a 3D world since it was my original vision, and I wanted to recreate that Paper Mario aesthetic that I love!

Also don't mind the placeholder art (including the character) it'll be a different character once I go back to working on the art!

Current Rooms in order and how completed they are:

1. Manor Foyer; the main hallway (Almost completed)

2. Manor Foyer from afar

3. Library; item shop and upgrades (Mostly complete)

4. Nexus; portal room for fast travel (Partially complete)

5. Vampire Chambers; bedrooms for the main cast (Mostly complete)

6. Sauna; special events room and buffs (Still Designing)

Just missing the girls rooms and the combat arenas when there's a fight in the Manor!

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

There are still a few rooms left (Vampire's actual bedrooms) and I will need to revamp them quite a bit. Once these main rooms are completed, I will be programming most of the functionality into the Manor's exploration, and once it is complete, I will likely allow you guys to play around with it!

The game is still in a prototype phase, which means many things may change, including the art and some of the functionality, but you'll be able to test out some of the levels and content I made (Finally). There won't be much content until I finish up the prototyping phase, but I'll be adding in scenes, mechanics and the eroge content when I can! I want to make sure that everything is working properly first!

Along with that, this prototype "preview" or demo will be exclusively in here, and will be in here for quite a while. The "Main Demo" will be public and likely I'll want a really polished Manor level, with a few scenes first, which I predict will be a few months out. 

Overall, the game is almost functional! There are only a few more core systems remaining for it to be a functional prototype. Once the final systems are in place (combat, items, menus, saving, etc) are completed, the game will move out of the prototype phase, we'll be in an Alpha phase. The game will be playable and i'll just be adding content for you guys if the game gains a decent reception from the public demo!

Any feedback is appreciated btw! I'm looking to improve the visuals as much as I can! I will try to get you guys a working prototype in a couple weeks, and I'll keep you updated on some of the changes and designs of things!

- Miz 🦇



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