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Hey everyone! I just wanted to make a small post for you guys who have been following me recently!

I have been quite busy with many different ideas for both Mischief Manor and all the fun fan art I've been drawing! I also have been deciding on a few milestones for both Twitter / Patreon for you guys in the future!

I will be revealing them likely around New Years as I get my thoughts together, so I want to include you guys, and maybe you'd be interested in some of the stuff I am planning for next year!

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

I will also post an update on twitter and I'll be planning on doing a public poll here to gauge interest in some of the things I would like to try!

I would also like to thank you all for your support / following of my content! I really appreciate each and every person who has found my content even just slightly interesting! I really wish to strive to captivate you guys with some of the cool ideas I have, so I can do this full time! Especially with all the crazy ideas I want to do (Feesh doujin would be really nice to do!)

So stay tuned!

- Miz 🦇


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