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Hope you're all having a lovely and festive December!

I wanted to give you all an update on the current progress of the projects, current goals and future goals!

Poll Winner Info

Since Elira was the poll winner, i'll be working on that in a few weeks and finishing that up art when I can!

Commissions Info

I am still working on 1-2 more personal commissions and I wanted to open new ones up last month, but unfortunately I got a little busy with IRL personal stuff which caused a big delay in a lot of my fan art and game stuff. I may still open up a few slots this month, it'll depend on how much free time I have with all the other work I have left to do.

Fan Art Info

I still intend to do fan art posts for supporters even though I am shifting a bit of my priorities, but I will likely keep it around 2-4 a month, so if you're purely here for that then hopefully that is sufficient! Planning on doing lewd animations in the future, maybe once a month or once every 2 months!

Since I will prioritizing my project, you'll still get art of the game and the characters whenever things are completed, so don't worry, I'll still be posting as often as I usually do!

Mischief Manor Info

I mentioned wanting to prioritize this once game more, and finish up the early parts of the project so that I can have something tangible for you guys to check out. I have been working and planning the project for quite some time, so it's starting to get closer to the point where I am able to actually show more stuff than just art!

I've been hard at work fixing a lot of the programming, implementing systems which will let me create modules the code in way where all I would have to do its just make small changes to text and images, and it'll be pretty easy moving forward to adding new characters, scenes, dialog and more!

I've also spent a lot of time polishing and improving upon the dialog system, and I'll continue adding more to it in the future. Its actually almost 100% complete so I will moving on with the next tasks! All I'm missing is the code for decisions, effects, and some small quality of life changes to the UI and system and it'll be done! Afterwards, I'll be implementing the CG system, which won't be very difficult, since it'll use the same code as the dialog system.

Now for the other programming, there's still a ton to do, but fortunately not all of it has to be implemented yet for testing. Combat and the systems revolving around that will take some time, along with finishing up minor things like moving around the map, interacting with the characters, setting up combat scenes, and finally the main story progress. I also wanted to add a system where if your save file is old and outdated, it would be able to fix your data whenever there was an update that could potentially break it; this is mostly for whenever I do updates to the game with new characters and so on.

After the programming parts are mostly done, it just comes down to assets, which are also all done by me. All the art, animations and scenes will have to be implemented in and this part may take the longest, especially with the amount of CG scenes and animations I'd like to do. Though, I will likely have placeholders early on, but I do want to make the game have a level of quality to it. My intentions were always to make a high quality game with a lot of content. It'll take a lot of time but as long as people are interested and support the game, I don't plan on stopping working on it.

I also plan on commissioning music and voice effects down the line with the funds I get from supporters! It's a bit pricey, but I wanted to get some good music and sfx which would really improve upon the game! Will be looking at this in the future!

I don't exactly have a date on when I'd be have it released, since I don't want to rush it and make it a horrible game with bugs and incomplete art and animations. But i will have supporters in here have the ability to test out really early game stuff, and then finish the public demo up so that its a good vertical slice of the whole game.

I am hoping the public demo does well, since I won't be able to work on this full time without additional support from new people. I'll have to keep working hard and making sure this game is a quality and fun experience for you guys, so I'll keep at it and let you know when things are ready!

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Thanks for reading my long tldr message, hope some of this made some sense to you, and I'll post the redesigned art of the new female MC of the game in another post today! Hope you like her new design!

- Miz


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