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Hey guys. hope you're cooling off from the scorching summer weather as we move into October!

Progress on the game has continued, although I've been working on more fan art stuff along with some animations coming soon!

These are some of my current plans for this month:

  • Completion of a few pieces of art that I've been working on (Pufferfeesh and the Finana Succubus Short, Another Finana Pose, Luna's Short)
  • Progress with the game's Chapter 1's Storyboard
  • Finishing up Luna's Sprite model and animating her
  • Finishing up Sistine's outfits setting her up for animation
  • Drawing some new girls (Hololive, Pokemon Girls, and maybe a few surprises)
  • Finishing up some more Background Art for Mischief Manor
  • Other Assets for Mischief Manor (Luna's Splash Art, Eye Catches + Intermission Art, VFX)

I will also do some more polls in the near future on here / discord / twitter so make sure if you want to participate, I'll be announcing them in the Discord server whenever I do so!

Also, I may open up character requests in the future to be drawn. I am trying to draw a more interesting variety of characters so I'll probably consider that after hitting a few more milestones with increase of people joining the Patreon!

Also I'll be uploading the touched up animation of Towa after this post so you can see some of the improvements I made (including adding her legs) to her animation! Hoping to improve on animation quality as I practice and make more art!

And finally, a recap of what has been completed for Mischief Manor in the project this month:

  • Rewritten the Main Story Premise as it needed to be adjusted to make it more interesting
  • Storyboard Draft of Chapter 1; 50% completed (its looking to be 1-4 hours long for a demo, but so far but it's only about halfway done)
  • Luna's Eye Catch 1 + 2 Completed
  • Title Screen Art + Animation + Preview Completed
  • Luna's Sprite: Formal Outfit, Battle Outfit,
  • Sistine's Sprite: Formal Outfit, Battle Outfit, Panties 2
  • Pandora's Sprite: Formal Outfit, Battle Outfit, Weapon Redesign
  • Scenes for each of the girls has been decided, will be working on doing them after the Sprite's are all completed, along with doing the Backgrounds and other VFX
  • Made some adjustments to the Sprites and BG Art to improve them (Pandora, some BGs)
  • Collected additional Music from Royalty-free sites for the game's soundtrack

I'll be uploading some of the WIP's and previews in another post, mostly just wanted to give you guys an update!

Thanks for sticking around and reading through this post! Hope this gives you guys a good idea of whats next! Halloween is also coming up so I may think of something special for that day!

Take care! Any questions of concerns you guys have, feel free to ask here or in discord!

- Miz


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