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Hello everyone!

Been a bit busy with a couple of things this month, so I was only able to produce so much art. Did a bit of study and learning how to do Backgrounds with Perspective, along with some more lightning techniques I am trying to study to improve my art.

A lot of things are experimentation with some styles, but I am slowly figuring out how to make great improvements with my current art style. I hope that all of this study will improve the quality of the game, along with all the art I produce.

Along with that, I purchased the EX version of Clip Studio so I can study how to do traditional animation, so when I am ready to draw the animated scenes, I will try to create really high quality erotic content for everyone to enjoy. My goal is to finish the primary bulk of the art, and work on animations as a final polish for the demo.

You probably have noticed that I have been posting fan nsfw fan art more often, which I will be doing a lot more, since I would like to give you guys the fully uncensored and high resolution content for supporting this project. I will also be posting full animations and the game art on here for you guys to download once it is completed.

For the meantime, I will be balancing out posting nsfw fan art (will try for 2-4 nsfw with variants a month) along with working on the project.

I appreciate everyone single one of you who has been supporting or who has just started supporting. I will try my best to fulfilling expectations of this game, and improvement on the quality of my art.

If there are any questions or concerns you have, feel free to ask me in the Discord Server, or even on here. I posted a progress update on there and I will also post it on here for you guys.

Thank you once again, and I will update everyone once more next month. Check the discord for smaller announcements and updates on my progress!

- Miz


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