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Build: PreAlpha Stage 2

Hello everyone, hope you’re finally cooling down from the summer heat, as we move into the cooler autumn days. A mostly productive two weeks, despite having varying internet issues with trying to connect to specific websites, including patreon, it’s been a bit of a struggle to even get this post out. Although the issue hasn’t been fully resolved yet, I hope that it will be fixed in the next few days.

Just some minor updates, added some additional animations for the touch mechanic, including a kiss animation that can be played by clicking on the characters face while the UI is hidden! Some smaller changes such as changing out the dialog font, since the old font would not display special characters. Also some adjustments to some of the menu options including the completion of the Local Map to be able to determine where you are and some basic information about the location.

Aside from that, much of the Manor and other 3D assets have been created, as we’re getting closer to finishing up the level designs of the Manor Building, Town, Outdoor Manor, Indoor Manor and Forest. Although I would have wanted to get the demo out before Halloween, there still are quite a few major things left to do, and I would like for this to be a bit more polished and bug free before pushing out any form of demo. But everyday it gets a little bit closer to becoming a reality, and with that, I can say that I am fortunate to have gotten this far with the project. Despite all the ups and downs, it’s been a wild and fun ride, and I hope I can continue working on games like this for a very long time, and of course completing them within a reasonable time!

Stick around for the next update! We’ll also be releasing some development on the project on a few public websites once we have a few more things ready. See you next time!

- Miz

Trello Roadmap


Changelog and Updates:


  • Updated font for dialog box (old font wasn’t showing special characters)
  • Created a DataFile that can be quick accessed and changed easily, repointed data to original variables for consistency

Touch / Interaction System

  • Added Kiss Interaction
  • Mouse Hover Fix on issue resolved (was displaying cursor while sprites weren’t loaded)
  • Fixes for Headpat Animation (had to combine it into a single animation)
  • Applied all hit boxes for the touch animations to all 3 positional sprites
  • Automated Hit boxes to load position based on character
  • Increased the size if mouse icons on hovering over touchable areas (pet, kiss, jiggle)

Dialog System

  • Added Screen Shake
  • Some SFX ad

Main Menu System

  • New Icons for Menu Items
  • Programming logic for obtaining info on each known and unknown character
  • Adjustments to the Compendium
  • Character information for the first 10 characters has been added

UI and Asset Design

  • Local Map Designed and Completed
  • Icons and placeholder areas are added



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