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Build: PreAlpha Stage 2

Hey Everyone,

Quick update for this week. Had a bit of a summer vacation for a couple days, took a break, refreshed, and ready to continue working on some more development for the project! While away, I took some time to consider some changes for the game. The combat system is likely going to fluctuate until I find a solution that works well with the narrative. Also did a lot of writing, around 10k words, and made a lot of revisions for the first section of the game. Although, it’ll still be some time until we can get a full visual demo of it, but it's still coming along quite well!

I have new ideas for additional characters early on, since I wanted a bit more variety. So they’re will be Two additional maid characters which will appear along with the three Vampire Sisters and a few other side characters. I also would like to flesh out a few ideas with the combat mechanics. Considered a few options with an Auto-battler, a RPG system, but I may just go with something less intense, and focus more on the “content” instead.

For now, I’ll be focusing on finishing up the writing, rendering some new characters and once that's all done, I should be able to finalize the Manor scene and start implementing it into the game. Then I can finish up the programming and do some clean up before finalizing the first demo. In an ideal situation, I would like the entire prologue to be the demo, but I will likely showcase the game once a few parts are done, it might be a bit early but I would like to put it out there as soon as it's feasible. Polish is important to me as well, so I’d like everyone’s first impressions to be decent, I’d hate to release a sloppy demo.

Anyways, I hope everyone has a great week and I’ll see you for the next update!

- Miz

Changelog and Updates:

- 10k words for the Main Story Dialog

- Adjusting Combat Mechanic to suit the narrative better

- Adding New Characters, Homunculus Maid and Succubus Maid

Current Progress:

- Writing the Narrative and Dialog for the Prologue (5-10% complete)

- Working on Completing Pandora’s and Luna’s Sprite Art (90% complete)

- Designing two new characters, Maid Servants (15% complete)

- Fixing Camera with Player Character Controller

- Polishing Character jumping motion

- Designing the remainder of the Manor (50% Complete)

- Replacing Placeholder textures with semi-final/final textures

- Finishing 2D Assets (CGs / Character Designs)

- UI Systems and Assets

Project Milestones:

- 3D Models for furniture objects inside the Manor (50% Progress)

- Functioning Doors

- Scene Lighting

- More Textures for other rooms

- Menu System

- Save Point System

- Chibi Sprite Designs and Animations

- Updated Dialog Box System (current system needs rework from months ago)

- Cut In Dialog System

- Animated Sprites and CGs

- Events and Sequencing

- New Manor Areas (The Manor's Garden and Outdoors)

- Scene Changing Mechanic

- Multithreading for faster load times

- Texture adjustments for faster loading times

- Conceptualizing Combat System and Mechanics (Distant Milestone)

- Ravenwood Forest (Dungeon/Zone)

- New Characters

- Conceptualizing Combat System and Mechanics


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