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In which Lily's become the world's most jaded two-and-a-half year old.




Poor dear. Something to do with the magic-draining, I hazard?


That...yeah. Imagine if you had a doctor whose presence burned out every pace maker she walked past. Not only that, but most of this worlds medicine is probably based on using magic. A magic hand is probably a lot more sterile, and can get into much smaller places, with better control, than a flesh and blood one, for example. Lily can't even use the most basic repair cantrips, let alone the advanced stuff you need to qualify for most Doctorate programs. and on the third hand, even if she were to make it, she'd be hit with racism across the board. Patients that refused to be treated by her, medical boards itching to see her discredited and take her license... Now, she could become a doctor specifically to help possums, but that does raise the money issue. most of her species seem pretty destitute, as you'd expect, with the rest of society hating them and all, so, there is a question of whether someone could make a living healing them...