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In which Petunia slaps the color out of the comic.




I think that's the first time I've ever seen shouty thought balloons. Huh.




Huh. Looks like Poppy slapped that 'permanent charm' right off of Petunia in return. I wonder if it's gone-gone, or just gone while under the heartbeat. Interesting development/feature regardless.


And now my previous comments have basically been verified--she's a complete psycho and I want nothing more than to see her utterly curbstomped more and more with every twisted evolution of her villainous face. "Oh, but she's being forced to fight!" Yeah, I'm sure she's being forced to turn into Dio before our eyes and gleefully threaten and now attempt to kill Poppy too, eh? Face it, it's like we're looking at an entirely different character.


it is interesting that this fight evolved from maiming and disabling to a death battle. As much as i want Petunia to get whooped, she needs to realize that she is not only allowing regicide to happen in the future, but personally responsible for it in the long run. This kinda reminds me of Asura vs. yasha kinda fight. Petunia needs help, worse she wants to murk her past employee. that was some wonderful foreshadow about in previous chapters, I.Everett. :3


Also, are we ever gonna find out what that Stand thing Poppy did earlier was? Cause for someone who Ian keeps insisting has no magical powers or godly influences, that sure seemed like one of the two.


Welp, there goes all of my backing of Petunia not actually being evil! But maybe... maybe this is exactly why she tries to be a pacifist? Because once she starts fighting, things get pretty bad?


petunia's getting a little carried away here


Tuna, you're fighting to the death over what amounts to a neighborhood with some shops in it. This isn't worth it.

Ken Roskos

I'm still flabbergasted (and a bit confused) at Petunia's ominous, heavy magic using alter ego. This is the same flighty fussbudget who is afraid of Friedrich?


That’s one hell of a slap


Another perfect example of why this overly extreme heel turn makes no actual sense.


You know this bring more questions to mind on Petunia, Like why did she need the tattoo on her, for the sake of her vow, and why is she willing to go this far to stop a friend? I feel her and Poppy are cut from the same cloth. both have a different Pov but like yin and yang sides of the coin. I like it :3 Keep up the good work~ I feel sad Poppy is in such bad positions, all because a little cat is too stubborn for her own good.