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The Sketch Sunday update for $3 and up patrons will go up immediately after the update tomorrow, as to avoid spoiling the double-page splash art I've been working on.

Additionally, just as a heads-up, although in the past, I've usually treated double-page spreads as a single update, in the future, I'll be numbering and charging them as two pages instead of one, much like how actual comic wages treat them. They take up an enormous amount of time and effort, and this update in particular is an absolute monster of an image, so please don't be surprised to see multiple update posts for what seems to be the same image when spreads come around. 

If that sounds a bit ominous, then please always remember that you can (and probably should) set a monthly limit so you never pay over your budget, no matter how many pages go up.



Thanks for the heads up, I can't wait to see what you have in store for all of us!


Thanks for letting us know Morbi. Excited for the update!


No worries. Can't wait to see all this come together, I'm on my toes with this arc.