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Della is a cowardly axolotl who wishes to collect knowledge of all types of magic in the world in one compendium. He decides to follow Frogo, Sal, and Ribbitina upon seeing their skills, and often helps save the day by coming up with a clever application of one of their spells.

In truth, however, Della is simply the disguised form of the sinister Salamander Prince, looking to steal Frogo's magical book and crown himself King, which he succeeds at accomplishing in Season 1's finale. Despite obtaining great cosmic power and knowledge, the Salamander King is ultimately done in by his growing apathy, refusing to do anything to stop our heroes until they've literally stormed into his throne room. Even in the face of defeat and possibly death, he shows no emotional response, unsettling Frogo to a great degree.




Honestly, I can't tell if you are secretly telling us future Poppy plot points or just have a really detailed childrens tv show in the poppyverse. Oh well. Cool stuff is cool.