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Well, well, well, look who's late again...
I'm sorry for the lack of news, there hasn't been any major changes lately that made it worth it for me to update you guys on the situation of the game.

But that changed recently, as I'm finally one big scene away from having finished all the statics in the game, and well the animations as well.
We're looking at a 80 renders approximately scene, and then we'll be done.

This will bring the numbers of animations and renders to the following:
Animations: 69 (nice)
Statics: 1680 (approximately)
Dialogue: 6200 lines

I was aiming for around 80 animations and 2000 statics for this last update, so I think we're fairly close.

I'm really happy and excited.
Soon, the game will go into testing phase, when I say soon, I mean once all the statics and animations will be rendered and created, photoshopped etc...
And that brings us to a bit of an issue, my rendering station has a lot of work to do.

When I talk about how many statics I created, and animations I've created, it means they're dispatched in the folders of my rendering station, but they haven't (all) been rendered yet.
Last time I was telling you how my rendering station could work around 90-100 statics per day back in France, when it was running 24/7.
It's not anymore, best I can have it running for is 17-18 hours now. That might be a small difference, but it's 25 a day, 175 a week, 750 a month.
And on top of that, 90-100 a day is attainable when we're talking light scenes, because those with lots of geometry involved, assets, such as the ones with nature, or in rooms full of elements to make the scene appear more real, with characters in the background, they take more time.
So we're at a situation where at the moment I'm writing this 1085 of the statics are rendered, and 38 animations have been fully rendered.
Certain animations are as big as 360 frames, so 360 statics need to be created for me to have a single animation.

We have a bit of a bottleneck situation.

As of right now, I don't feel it's too much of a problem because it gives me time to work on many aspect of the game such as coding (LI score points, UI optimization, LEWD scenes replay menu), or even the music which becomes urgently important as we get closer to the release.

Also, when I'll be finished, I will have the option of using my workstation as a rendering station but as the CPU's getting slower (I can really see it more and more), I don't want to risk its life and have to order a new one which would delay my work for another few days.

There's also the option of rendering farms, somebody even offered to render some animations for me, and that's really nice, but those are all options I'd rather avoid for personal reasons.

I feel like some time could be gained here and there on different aspects such as script proofing, and photoshopping the existing statics, so I'll look into that pretty soon.

I also had the idea of getting started on the second game straight away, but there's a couple of things I need to improve on beforehand, and doing too many things at one time is already stressful and tiring without me adding another kind of pressure and anxiety.
Seriously, I look like I'm 10 years older recently, probably from the lack of sleep and stress.
So whenever that last big scene is over, I might take a few days off.

I don't know, we will see.

Anyway, thanks for reading me, and I hope you're happy with the news!

See you soon,




Very happy. Keep up your spirits, I am really looking forward to the conclusion of this great story. And you will join the (slim) ranks of devs who have actually finished a well rendered and written game!

Raiden blood

Aight I got the game today, and I gotta say its in my top 3 from now on. The story is amazing and has sexy moments, so it is well balanced. Glad I found it. from the looks of it, the episode is still a long while out before its release.