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So, this week was not that productive but it was expected.
My parents came from France to visit me for the whole weekend, and so I decided I wasn't going to work during the weekend. After all, I hadn't seen them for almost 5 months, and I needed to see them and show them my new life.

I still managed to find some time from Monday to Thursday, and some hours here and there during this weekend.

As a result, I made some decent progress on the fourth LEWD scene of this last episode of The Entrepreneur.

I'd say that I am halfway done with this one.

I wasn't going to tell you about it, but I feel like it's due time I told you.
This episode will contain 8 LEWD scenes.
My goal is to finish creating the 5 (4 and 1/2) remaining ones before the end of the year.

If I manage to do this, and I'm confident I will, then it'll leave 2 months of work to complete the game. I'm aiming for a release late February-early March.

I think it's more than doable.

I plan on taking a few days off here and there at my work so I can spend two full days on a row working on the game. The amount of progress I can secure during those two days is amazing, so I figure it would be a good idea. 

Anyway, for the numbers now: 

Animations: 36
Statics: 392
Dialogue: 810 lines

Pretty happy with this.

We're slowly getting there, but as I said last time, progress will be exponential after I'm done with all the LEWD scenes :).

Anyway, two friends from France will spend 4 days in Dublin, so I said I was going to spend some time with them.

I will finish the fourth LEWD scene this week and attack the 5th one next week.

So yeah, that was it for this week's progress update.

I wish you all a great week,




Awesome sauce bro




Save some beer for the rest of us tho