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So, good news first.
I've finished creating every renders and animations for the Episode 3.

All writing is done as well, so all that's left to do now is render all the statics and animations, do a little bit of postwork on photoshop, and finally add them in the game.

All that's left to do is for my rendering station to create the animations.
That's going to take a lot of time, because of the amount I queued.

And this is why.
Let me announce to you the number for the Episode 3:

51 animations
1350 static renders
(number may slightly vary because some of them won't be used)
4200 lines of dialogue

I just want to point out that those 51 animations gathered if I recall correctly a little over 9500 animated frames (yikes), which is why this takes so long for my machine to render. As a quick reminder, my rendering station can create around 120 renders a day, so we're looking at two and a half months of work just for the animations.

Anyway, that was the good news.

Now for the less good news.

For those of you who don't know Drifty, he's a developer just like me, and he's creating a great game which is called Leap of Faith.

Recently, Drifty had an issue with copyrights regarding the music he uses for the game.
Apparently, he couldn't use some songs with an adult game, as it was going against the terms of use.

Why am I talking about this? Because just like Drifty, I take my songs from the same "provider", for a lack of a better word.

Fortunately, Artlist, which is the provider, decided to not pursue this copyright claim any further.

But I'm scared that eventually, it could happen again.

I'm currently looking for another license to use, but nothing so far.

So, that's a bummer.

We'll see if Drifty comes up with another solution, but as of right now, his game is without music. And I wouldn't like that for my game.

Bottom line is I will not be using Artlist again, and that means that I need to find a solution because I can't release Episode 3 without music.

So, even though I have an idea for a release in June, I won't give you any date right now because I want to find a solution about the music first.

Well, that was it!
I'm truly happy that all the "hard work" is done, because it really is the hardest and most tiring part of the job.

It gives me time to create silly renders for fun, such as this one.

I'll come up with much more thing and keep posting hints and "facegram posts" of the characters on Twitter now that I have more time.

Anyway, I wish you all a good week-end.




Have you thought about messaging Mr Dots to see which provider he uses?


And dayum, you making a full motion movie arent you?....LMAO GOOD JOB


This whole Artlist debacle is really annoying. Damn prudes ruining our favorite games :(


I haven't, but I will, it's good idea! And yeah, you wouldn't believe the animations I've created, I even made animations where characters eat, it brings a lot of realism, in my opinion, to transitions from one scene to another.


It's really a shame... But there's always a solution, we'll just have to find it :)


I have never understood why a certain segment of the population feels the desire to control the lives and actions of other people who aren't hurting anyone at all and then they act on it. I mean why can't people live and let live?


LoF isn't really the same without those musics, such a shame :c


HearzAM (the chief) at MrDots games is a pretty friendly guy, MrMaya. Ive talked back and forth with him helping him fix dialogue grammar errors in DMD recently. He's really receptive and I'm sure he'd be willing to give you the provider name for their music. I do know it says in the credits on all their games that all music is under common liscensing.

Crowangel Gaming

these days it seems every possible track you can use is being pulled up.. hell i do stuff for my youtube channel thats just gta funny moments and things like that using share factory (supposedly licence free) music and even thats started being claimed by the bots.. frickin sux that you cant use those you need too as they greatly add to the whole ambiance of the piece as a whole


Lol, receptive….unless it’s about some paths chosen in the story that totally changed the type of story it was at start and that supporters where paying for. Well anyhow, you are right, creators should stick together and maybe join forces with supporters to help them. Goes for music but as well some censorship from some platforms…won’t name it here!


It greediness demonstrated at the highest levels crow, plain and simple. When creative people make a resource that has very little demand, and put it out for free to use as others see fit, some of the people take it in kind and use it as it was intended. When the resource becomes more in demand, others try to grab up all the free stuff and copyright and sell it to those who were using the resource as it was intended to try and make easy money. Because it is easier to do that than it is to actually create something, and truthfully, I think it is shameful behavior even if it technically is legal. But it has been going on since mankind first evolved and will likely continue until it's demise.


Marlboro there was a saying introduced by I think Benjamin Franklin (but I'm not 100% sure) at the time of the American Revolution when England was trying to stamp out a potential rebellion in it's American colonies. That saying was "We (the colonies) must hang together or surely we will hang separately.".


And history, once again, teach us how it should be!


What is a damn shame Marlboro, is the fact that the creators and supporters "circling of the wagons" is even necessary, but unfortunately, it is. This entire situation has happened many times albeit under different circumstances throughout history. And as I told Crowangel below, it will keep happening again and again. You hear so much in history classes about the fortunes made in the gold rushes around the world. I guarantee you only a very few of those doing the digging made those fortunes. The fortunes were made by people buying cheap picks and shovels and reselling them at 10 times what they themselves paid to those doing the digging. So you see, this is not a new problem, and it is completely driven by greed, simply put.


MrMaya, were you able to find another provider yet?


Omfg, ijust got done playing Lof the silent vrrsion after hraring all of yalls prais. All the complements dont do it justice. Im sorry for hijacking your thread MrMaya but since it was you and a couple of others that convinced me to try it, i thought id share my opinions with yall. Even without the music I laughed, i cried, i shouted in rage and almost collapsed in a blubbering mess. My god i can only imagine if the soundtrack was still intact what my reactions would be.but now that ive pulled another 17 hour gaming session, im going to sleep.....if i can. Thanks for recommending the game for me MrMaya


With pleasure ! It is a great game indeed, which was recommended to me by Wibble