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So as the title says it, I'm afraid there's a slight chance the episode 3 will be postponed.

The issue is that my rendering station will probably have a hard time rendering all the animations in time.
There's a TON of animations for this episode.
Some of them, are as long as 8 seconds, and it may not seem that much, but that means 240 statics to render, and that usually takes about 2 days.
So far, I have 17 animations rendered, 13 animations queued, so around a month of work, and probably 15 others to create. (of course, not all of them are 8 seconds long)

I would hate it if I had to get rid of some animations in order to be ready for the initial date release as I feel it would diminish the overall quality of this episode

As you know if you've played my game, I like to use animations to better express the emotions of the characters, and add a little something to the atmosphere of the scene.

I like to think of it as my signature, and it's very important to me.

It's a shame that my workload is consistent and good enough so that I'm almost done with creating the 3d part, but I'm held back by my hardware.

And of course, there are also around 1000 statics to render in addition to those animations, which means 9 days of rendering.

The computer on which I create the renders will be used as a rendering station as soon as I'm done with the 3d part, but will work slower due to a less performant CPU.

I'm honest when I'm telling you I never would have thought I'd be held back because of this aspect!

But on the bright side, it means that I can put in the required work so that my rendering station isn't waiting for me to create content (if that makes sense) .

There are opportunity to explore, such as cloud rendering, so we never know.

I just wanted to be transparent with you all.

Appart from that, work is doing great.
I'm progressing really fast, and I can't wait to share it.

I will probably have finished creating the animations and the statics in about 9-10 days I believe.
It really is the creative part of my work which require the most concentration, so the rest of the work will be "easier" for me.

My health is doing great by the way, I thank some of you who have expressed that concern.
I'm still in my young years I believe, even though I'm getting close to the thirties, but I feel like it is now I need to work as much as I can, because I'm still able to handle it.

I've gone a year working 10-12 hours a day, 7 days a week, up until 5 am, and it was hard toward the end.

But now, it's been month I've changed my lifestyle.
I actually wake up at 5am and work up until noon, then take the afternoon off.

Weirdly enough, I'm getting as much work done! And I do feel better.

Anyway, I've written a lot, but I had a lot to say.
The concern about my rendering station had me worked up for the last week and I needed to tell you about it.

I'll get back to work, and in the meantime, I wish you all a great week-end !



Crowangel Gaming

dont worry about delays.. we'd sooner you feel happy with the finished result than ship out a version that you feel less than satisfied with so no worries here

Joshua Dershem

Quality over quantity my friend.


^ This right here my friend. Believe me those of us who know what it is like having to "make due" with inferior equipment understand completely. Hell, I once had a delivery job that even though the chain I worked for was an international company and could afford easily to field brand new trucks every year, the branch manager was a greedy tightwad and I once had to refuse to go on a run because it was about 450 miles and 3 of the 4 back tires were completely bald and one had a 2 inch in diameter hole in it. Talk about giving the word unsafe a new meaning all so that he could meet the branch financial goals and claim the managerial bonuses which he kept for himself, as if he alone out of the 55 people working at the branch had nothing to do with it. So yes, we understand and do not fault your delay one bit. And as I told you, that walkthrough I made for you, was made on 12 year old hardware with Word professional 2007 software.


I'd say having too many animations in queue is a good problem to have. Take your time, we all want a great update, not just any update asap.

Crowangel Gaming

I'm still paying off mine.. £90 a month for the next 2 years even tho i got it to make AVNs and couldnt handle the workload due to my depression and anxiety issues.. but rather than return it i'm still paying it off as its a great pc for my warcraft and other games id usually have struggling GPU effects on.. least now i can set all the graphic settings to ultra (basically)


Your standards. It’s all that matters to keep people trust your project. Time is only a secondary factor.


Believe me crow, if I didnt have to worry about being forced to take over my aging Dad's mortgage, I would already have a new Alienware. But a roof utilities and food comes before playthings, ya know.