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Hello!👋😳 We reached the goal?! Congratulations, everyone! I'm really overwhelmed by your support..😳💨💨 Thank you all so much!

My plan: I will have the Picarto session on January 17th at 7pm EST. I will provide a link to the livestream the day of! (If you are not available at this time, I will have the session recorded so you can access it later on!) I will be chatting on the mic while showing drawings and doing some sketches/demonstrations on my screen.

The session will be approximately an hour- this is usually how long my panels are at conventions and I find that it's a good amount. I will try to chat with everyone I can in that time!

I thought it might be nice to prepare a bit before the session: if you like, I can take some of your questions now and prepare a bit for them beforehand (maybe set aside some images to accompany answers so I'll have them ready) This way, I'll always have material to talk about while taking questions from the chat. (If you're unable to make it to the Q+A, please be sure to make a note in the comments- I will try to get to your question!) 

I am okay chatting about sexuality, but I might have to pass on sharing other things that are overly personal- I hope you understand!

I think that covers everything, but please let me know if you have any suggestions!💕

Also, a little bit of an update- my ko-fi account had been suspended since September (I believe, because I had originally linked to my Starfighter site on it and you can't link to outside adult content) I had removed the link and tried to appeal for review. After months of emails and silence, I was finally told today, "Unfortunately I do not believe it will be possible to reinstate the page given the themes covered in your content." 

I don't mean to bore you with the trials of NSFW artist life, but.. I wanted to let you know that I truly appreciate your support here on Patreon. (My other artist friends who make adult content really appreciate it, too!) Thank you so much for helping this kind of content possible and for being so cool!💕

Thank you so much again!

I hope you will all have a safe and Happy New Year!



Huuuuge congratulations! And booyah to the Q&A format! We are always fans of organization!


Congratulations! I love that you’ve garnered an army here. If I could ask you anything I’d wonder if your family knows exactly what you create and how long since you’ve had a day job (because I assume art is your full-time job).


Since I do not know if I'll be able to make it: Will the Starfighter shop ever expand to include more clothing or single character sticker sheets? Also more merchandise from your other comics and characters? Thank you! :)


Can't wait for the stream! :D Also I recently looked into Fence by C. S. Pacat and I came across some art for it which looked familiar. After buying volume 1 I went back to searching and realized it was your art! Are you a fan of Fence? I am personally going to buy all the volumes available and was curious on your thoughts on it. So far I love it! X3


I do appreciate you making my life more smutty in all the best ways. Thank you for all the NSFW you given in the past, and for a smutty 2019🙏😭💕


Congrats!! Unfortunately won't be able to make it, but I'm still incredibly happy for ya. What have you discovered/learned about writing comics over the years that you've worked on Starfighter? Since SF is closing in on the climax, are there any ideas brewing on what your next long-running comic will be (if you would like to answer this at all, no specifics needed ofc)?


What do you know of Jeffy Spaghetti? Have you ate of his sauce, slurped of his noodles, or basked in his steamy moist warmth?


Wow! Congratulations, this is amazing! I'm sorry that ko-fi did not work out, it seems it's difficult to be an artist that shares NSFW.. I'm glad that you still have this platform to spread your beautiful work! I'm going to have to think really hard about these questions..😤 I will certainly not be around for this stream, so I'll come up with some now... Once you have completed Starfighter (😭) would you be willing to return to the series in the form of a spin-off comic or any other form of media? Are you still doing animation? What are some of your goals and/or dreams for the future? (I'm sorry if these are too personal, I hope you don't mind me asking. 💕)


Question time! So exciting aaaah! Also sorry to hear about your ko-fi, and happy new year! I have a thousand Starfighter questions but will restrain myself to a few (at least for the moment haha):


How many colonies are there, and are they all on Mars or also other places? Is Mars terraformed or do they live in domes? Are the colonies independent nations or are they owned by specific countries on Earth? Are the navigators really almost all white people or are they just modded to look that way because it's fashionable?


Boo! Silly Ko-fi! I'm very glad that you're on Patreon, though, and that it's working for you as a NSFW artist. The lack of useful platforms for sharing NSFW art is really disappointing, especially of late :( Super excited for the stream and really hope I can make it! I've already written it down in my calendar! As for questions, I have many, but because some of the Mars-colony related ones are already covered above, I'm gonna stick to the Colterons! Gotta know more about our buggy bad guys! - How old is Colteron civilization compared to humanity/how much longer have they been a space-faring civilization? - What do they believe/what is their religion? (it gets a brief mention in the comic, but I'm so curious!) - Are there different classes/castes to Colteron society? - Do all the Colterons look like the ones we've seen in the comic so far, or do they vary in appearance to look like different kinds of beetles?


Woo congratulations!!! This is so exciting!! I'm sorry about your ko-fi, it's so silly that things like this are being taken down due to nsfw content. It's the internet people! Anyways, I'm super excited to ask some questions!! But I also understand if you don't have time to get to them or can't answer them! I wanted to ask about Cain and Abel! 1. What are Cain and Abel's Myers Briggs personality types? 2. Does Abel prefer comfort over fashion when it comes to clothes, or is he all for more fashionable outfits? 3. Does Abel like spicy food? 4. And what is Newton up to while Abel is in the Alliance? Is he still around? Sorry if it's too much, I will be super happy to hear what you have to say and can't wait for the Q&A!! Edit: Instead of the first question, I would like to ask what one of Abel's secret kinks is? ;) A kink he would have trouble telling anyone.


Sorry about your Kofi account. 😟 I imagine things are worse since Tumblr has self destructed.


Here's my question: if you could go on vacation (anywhere - no concention) where would you go?


(Oh, thank you so much for your questions!😤👍💕 I'm afraid I'm not familiar with this first one- Myers Briggs?)


Congrats sweetie! I will always be supporting you however I can and into the new year as well! Hope you have a great one! 🙏🏼💕💕 I don't rly have any questions I can think of right now but I will definitely be dropping by the stream to say hi and keep company. Lots of hugs & kisses 💕💕🎄 Hope your smutty army keeps growing and growing hahaha.


My dear Thea.. 🙏✨💕💕 Thank you so much for the kind words- your company will be so cherished!😭💕💕 I hope the new year will be good for you, I wish you all the best, my love!


So EXCITED and I should be able to make most of the Q&A before slithering off to dance classes 🐍 Hmm but for some questions: 1.) What is one series (TV show, anime, movie, etc.) that SO many people seem to love that you just can’t get into... 2.) ...and on the flip side what is a series you really LOVE and wish more people could learn to enjoy 3.) Current artist inspirations that are giving you life into 2019 ❤️ I’m also sorry about the Ko-fi situation and I really hope they reconsider 💕


Oh my gosh, I can't wait! ❤


Hello! Ive been a long time fan of your work and only became a patron today (hooray for becoming an adult and earning money!), I'm really looking forward to the stream!!! I've been looking up to you as an artist for so long, it's going to be very interesting to learn more about your process and everything ❤️


Ah, welcome! 🤗💕💕 Thank you so much for your support! I hope you will enjoy the Patreon! I am so glad to have you here!