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I got hit by a locomotive with a voiceover.




What does “hit by a locomotive” mean lol? As in it was that good/bad of a voiceover?


I split one sentence into two posts because I don't have much more to say. And I dunno about you, but I liked all the voiceovers. Especially ameafterdark.


Oh I see that’s what mainly confused me, my bad. I’ve really liked all the voice work that’s been done so far as well, I just got confused by what you said.


So what it’s like working with Voiceartist and Audio Engineers if you don’t mind me asking? Did you already have experience working with any before doing HSR/Genshin animations?


Um well, I don't even know how to answer that question. I haven't personally ordered the sound, so how exactly the process works I can't say, but if you mean that when I edit something and get the sound (which I hear about 1000 times while I'm tweaking/reworking/fixing something), then that's something new to me personally. I take it that not everyone realizes I'm completely new to blender? Before all this, I hadn't even done animation, let alone sound work. I gave my brief history of how I got to where I am today in a private message to someone. If you're interested, I can just copy it here. And don't be afraid to ask me questions or criticize me in any way, because sometimes I just miss some issues.


Oh interesting, so you’re pretty new to both animating and Blender. But yeah I’d be willing to see that message.


It started in 2022 during the summer when I was trying to do something with guides. I was banging my head against the wall and such, and when it finally started working, my heart was beating at probably 200 beats per second. But after that followed a tilt into real life because of all the problems that had descended on all the citizens of my country. In 2023 Honkai came out, I learned about Dab_neko, and my mental health started to come back to normal. So I decided to go back and start making something in blender again. But you can see that the tilt still catches up with me sometimes, so I just drop everything and don't want to do anything. Since the beginning of this year, I've been trying to get better and work around any problems I can as much as I can.


I see, that’s very interesting and I’m sorry you’ve also had your struggles in these difficult past years. I’m glad you’ve found something that’s able to help you cope and it’s something that you’re pretty damn good at too. You’ll definitely continue to improve like you are now, and I’ll definitely support you and your works the best I can. Wishing you the best my dude.


If anyone else reads all of this, they might question if everything I write is true or if I'm stirring up pity. Honestly, I'm fucking tired of all the shit and people surrounding me in real life. Who spend their whole lives trying to bully me for my kindness and openness. Even the people closest to me took their anger out on me and used me however they wanted. I couldn't find people in my life who cared. I apologize for being rude and for writing what is probably unnecessary. All I wanted to do was just speak freely and I have nowhere else to go. I don't want to regret not saying what's on my mind. sorry again. ill delete it later when im cool down.


You should have the right to express yourself and vent however you want tbh, this is your patreon after all. Feel free to DM tho if you ever got stuff you wanna talk about or just chat I guess. If I don’t respond right away, I should get back to you by the end of the day at the latest.


I hope this Topaz ass scene makes it to release one day! xD