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Amelia frequently has trouble keeping her tavern in order, so Adira left Kat in charge and paid her fellow Riftwall a visit to tidy the place up. After a few swigs on the job though, Amelia turned out to be a lot less interested in chores than she was in the strapping tiger that Adira brought with her!

I started on this sketch quite a while ago for fun. I liked the composition but wasn't terribly happy with how the art itself looked because I felt it was too rushed and not the style I wanted, so I finally sat down to finish it and basically ended up redrawing the whole thing. I think it was worth the effort, and I'm glad I was able to get it done for Sneptember!




I might work on Adira's words a little bit before this goes up on FA. The "Oh FFS, Sis!" line was originally meant to be a placeholder. It made me laugh initially although I can probably do better. x3